Why am i here! - Luna

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I started thinking we need to make the dark trio make, or will all will die. That wont really effects me, but Bella and Jessica. They have a life to live, there is people out there still loving them. But who sent the letters, they most know who we are. Knew out powers, why is this person helping them. Anyway I picked up three candles, 'The end of Creation', 'Mothers wild gift' and 'the green line'. I start walking to the library when I got stopped by Snape. "what do we have here?" he said looking at me, I just smirked. "Just a poor innocent student" he looked down at me and his eyes frowned. "what ever you are doing, don't do it to hurt Jessica" I look at him and laughed, "what ever and I got to study about history of magic" the I look back at his shocked face and he yells back "you are bloody history" I laugh and when I turned the corner I started skipping and been loopy.

I find a spot in the library and start down with the candles in a triangle. Then placed the book next to me, I started reading the book. The spell was made in the 16th century and I know that this spell will be hard for Bella and Jessica. Then I saw Jessica walking in " Luna, this isn't the 1400's witchcraft" I look at her and muttered " the 16th century" and I could see Bellas face look at me then Jessica started talking "beside we need to tell Bella our secrets" Bella looked slightly confused, what, she is a bloody Gaunt. We can not trust her. I look at Jessica amd I knew Jessica trusted her. Ill do this for Jessica but not for that Gaunt "Oh Fine, Bella I am a Soul Seeker, I can bring back people from the dead, I come back from the dead after 1 years I die and yes I did see Hogwarts formed, a student." Bella looked shocked. I gave her a disapproving look but then in Awe then frighten. Now bella was being annoying, "I'm an elemental, fire, water, earth and wind. I'm just pretty good with mother nature at the moment" Bella started laughing and so was Jessica and I look at their childish behavior and I just shook my head.

"When you were gone, we too started to get sick. Jessica fainting everywhere unable to control the elements and, I was seeing my previous lives 467 of them. Not sure if that is right either. We went hunting, getting a letter like you about 'a dark trio' we found a book. 3 Girls, 3 Houses, 3 Wands-" then Jessica butted in "Sound familiar? They never said what school and you were sorted into a different housing system! 3 Girls. 3 Houses and 3 Wands" Bella laughed and so did Jessica and and I muttered 'the book means Bella is in Slytherin' I could see Bella's greens eyes looking at me

"There is many girls like that Jess" I looked at Bella is she was crazy , "well none of them had the wands made 500 years ago? none of them received a letter? none of them went crazy while without the other two" She had a point. "Then why do we have candles out?" Bella asked. "Yeah, Luna?" Jessica questioned. "The spell to make the Dark Trio is in need for the 16th magic, meaning we are creating it now, while we can." She finished and Bella nodded and I started speaking Latin

"praeteritum et futurum, (Past and Future)

per ignem et aquam, (Though Fire and Water)

praeteritum et futurum, (Past and Future)

et non mundo (Through Fire and Water,)

praeteritum et futurum, (Past and Future)

et lucem tenebris oculi (light and dark eyes)

praeteritum et futurum, (Past and Future)

rubro, viridi et hyacintho, (Red, Green and Blue)

tribus puellis (Three Girls)

usque potest esse tres, (Nevertheless, it can be three)"

the spell didn't work and Jessica said some shit and bla bla bla, we did this 'TV Witch thingy' and sat in the circle. You get the point now?

Then ere was a burning burning sensation on the back of my neck then I library yelled at them "Girls, you still back them! It's lunch time" I quickly made the candles vanish, then we started looking at each others necks. It happens to symbol all out talents. And I have a feeling this school will have hell until we leave. We got up and started walking to lunch, I took my hair from a pony tail to down, to cover the mark.

After lunch I run to my class, I did somethings to Annoy Severus like make a smelly liquid. Which made a Hufflepuff throw up, I did history of magic and that then I went off to bed, I have to strangle feeling that something bad will happen. Then I jokes to my self out loud "Its not like someone will die" some people looked at me and I went to bed. I wore a thin blue pants and tank top with blue slippers on my feet. I fall into a black sleep, the most peaceful one I had in years,

Then my neck started burning, I woke up with heavy breathing and then puff! I was in this cold room, I could see Jessica, Bella and Harry and that bloody teacher and the mirror I have never seen. Then harry was saying something and I whispered to Jessica, "why am I here! I was having a peaceful sleep and now I am bloody freezing!" then I heard Bella spoke up, "we have a problem, this teacher being trying to kill a student with the baddest wizard on earth and you are complaining about the cold!" I look at her and spoke, "there has been worst..." "That's not the point! Just shut up and do some 14th century  magic with us" I heard Jessica speak.


its Catnip_the_cat

sorry for the slow updates, you know school

this happen then that happens then you get an Assignment and then

more things happen. Well I am gonna say this. This book is nearly done! Isn't that exciting

anyway the candles in the book is not really relevant but I just wanted to name candles. If you have any ideas to happen, please tell us.

Thank you for reading this far and being so loyal.

-Luna Lovegood (Ms Charles) 

The Dark Trio (The Philosophers Stone) Book 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum