Stability, Snape and Stomping

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The sounds of voices calling on magic, the snow falls down in a spiritual way. The shouts of Quidditch and the hissing of the magic beasts leaves Bella feeling overjoyed. America was everything she hoped it was to be, she missed her English friends dearly - hey she was even nicknamed as English at her school. She found herself in a steady group of friends, one in her own age group and wasn't arranged. Bella was amazing in the American version of Defence Against the Arts, they even started non verbal spells, her school took much pride in young witches and wizards having the ability of non-verbal spells. Her professors - well technically teachers, no wonder her friends call her English, are quite amazed to see how well Bella can perform the magic in Transfiguration.

Another thing her pro-teachers are quite impressed is the multi-tongue, French, English and Latin at dead language. The students around her finds it strange a 'muggle born' doing such amazing work.

As much as Bella thinks her time at Ilvermorny is stable, her home, but it was going to be, barricades would fall, she would re-build them have it strong and then it would fall again. All in a repeated cycle. When she first started she was called 'Mudblood', after she said she didn't know her blood statues they called her an 'English infection' she didn't completely understand, the school they go to was made from an English witch. Her friends were supportive, but not like the way Jessica was, they wouldn't risk their reputations for her.

Christmas was coming around the corner and breakfast had a change of events of a letter coming to her, many people watched as Bella had no relatives in America and her only friends are in London. She opened the letter to smile, it was Jessica's handwriting.

'Dear Bella,

I'm glad to hear that you feel more at place at your new school, and sorry I didn't write the name, you know how bad I am at spelling names like that.
And did I read this correctly you were kidnapped! I didn't expect that. But in all seriousness was it fun to get kidnapped, I mean what was it like, was it cool, scary, exhilarating.
Anyway on to more serious topics Halloween was full of drama and all together was a bore, it was boring, and odd, even for a wizardry level. Anyway I feel like I'm coming down with something, I'm getting heat flushes and blacking out all the time, I get dizzy and have a non stop pounding head ache what should I do, do you have any advice for me at all?
Lastly everyone said hi, well not everyone because I didn't ask everyone that would of been weird. But I didn't listen to you and told Snape that you said hi, though he kind of glared at me and took away five points fork Gryffindor so good times.
Wait one more thing, sorry but I got a strange letter the other day, and it has spooked me out, I think it might be the reason why I am all of a sudden I'll, what do you think, it's a coincidence right?.
Anyway that's enough for now, goodbye and can't wait for a reply soon.
From your awesome, amazing, spectacular and sick friend Jessica'

Her friends grabbed it, telling her she needs to move on with her English friends, where they real friends? Of course not, having stable friends doesn't mean they are real. Bella has been the unfaithful friend many times, been the faithful friend and the one who can dictate who's who. She found Hogwarts to be filled with faithful friends, it was strange, she never met one where one was no faithful. Then again she wasn't there long. Bella went out of her faze and realized it was time for her first class potions.

She walked to Potions, she found it the opposite to Hogwarts, the Lady was quite fun but she was strict. She wanted to be called Lady Claire, her first name being 'Lady'. Many made jokes, including Bella, heck the teacher started it in the first place. It was the top floor, it was long and skinny, unlike any other classroom. She sat down next to Ciera, her potion buddy, she wasn't as talented as Jessica. No one was. Not even the Hermione Granger of her year grade or the years above, classes spew fast. She started hearing things, seeing things, her friends told her she was a good actress. 'Stop, Breath, Relax' was what she said to her brain when they said that. She started getting cuts and bruises all over herself, she was in constant pain. The Medic Witch couldn't figure out how she was getting all the cuts and bruises from, a few times it was close to life threatening. Being Christmas Bella was giving nothing, well apart from some money from the Malfoys. She wondered if Jessica forgot about her or she was still sick, she walked into the great hall to stop dead in the middle aisle, the black slick cape she learnt to hat was standing there. Other students was looking at her strangely, she decided she would find out what is going on, after all her schooling life just got stable again.

"What are you doing here?" questioned Bella, he saw Professor Snape turn around and his grimy smirk on his face. "Bella dear, no way to treat your Professors like that. Its time for you to return to Hogwarts"

Without much choice, she had apparated to the Hogwarts gates, she yelled and screamed, to much of the Professors dismay, she ruined his shoes. They walked across the lawn, Professor Snape as awful as possible.

"The headmaster chose you to come back, if you don't know the date its currently the feast for Christmas. As much as i rather be eating pudding i am here in the snow dragging you across the school, Miss Gaunt" he said each word, longer and longer. "Do you think i want to be here?" he ignored her.

"You listen to me!" she shouted, they were in the castle, outside the open great hall doors. "I don't care what the Headmaster says, i don't care what the Minister says, i don't care what you say. Pulling me out" her eyes were flickering, her scars and bruises were showing. "on Christmas in a place i felt home is wrong Remember Dumbledore runs the school, Remember you sucked away my happiness, Remember your as bad as any villain." She screamed at him, she turned her heard to see many students flinch at the sight, she looked at the window to see her yellowish eyes were flinching from bright yellow to its usual colour. She glared at the Professor and stomped off towards the entrance, she wanted out. She wanted her home back, she wanted to be at Ilvermorny, not Hogwarts.

She was hearing voices, she was hearing Jessica's. She turned around to see Jessica running behind her, her imagination. But is it? She started getting dizzy, a scream and the gasp of Jessica. What was happening to Bella? God knows what but she was turning insane.

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