Dark Arts

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Bella's P.O.V (still in third person)


Bella was looking for Jessica. Why? She was stuck dancing with Draco Malfoy and this wasn't something she wanted to do. Draco's grip tighten as if he knew she wanted to leave. Draco kept looking at her strangely and for a ten year old girl it is rather scary. Bella was looking to the door to see if Jessica came through the door to save her. As usually her wish did not happened.

Bella looked to the clock to see she has been dancing for one hour, This isn't something she is proud of either. The song finally ended and Draco said he needed to go to the bathroom so Bella took the opportunity to run to Cissy. The only person she trusts apart from Jessica. But Jessica was missing, this was something she need to tell Cissy

Bella ran though the crowd trying to find Cissy, some of them fell and the others gave her a death glare. Bella smirked and finally found Cissy in her elegant green dress. She looks at Bella and gives her a hug while walking to the side of the room where no one was. She takes her wand out and conjures to chairs and the two sit down. Cissy smiles at her again and starts to speak.

"How are you liking it here?" asked Cissy, Bella answered by putting up her thumbs. The typical Bella what do you think?

"Good, Lucius and i are thinking of home schooling you for the rest of the summer. You are going to learn magic"

Bella was confused. Was she moving to another home? Was she to much of a menace to them? Did they hate her? Did they find her parents? All this questions where circling though her head. When her mind was like this, Bella enjoyed to grab a knife and throw it a spiders and kill it. A very odd and enjoyable calming exercise.

"Darling Bella, You are going to stay with your Uncle Snape. He isn't a blood relative but he is a close worker with your mother and father. You will stay with him at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He teaches potions there so you will stay with him at all costs, you wont get sorted or a wand yet. But what did you want before?" This took a while to sink in, she was getting a sneak peak of Hogwarts before she was due to go!!!!!!!

Bella stopped to think what was she trying to tell Cissy before. She knew it was important. She opened her mouth without thinking.

"Jessica has been gone for close to an hours!!!!!!" Bella yelled getting everyone single person in the halls attention. Mr Malfoy heard this and started sending orders gasp and starts ordering people to go look for her. Cissy rushes over to her husband and poor little Bella was getting trampled by people. She ran to the side of the hall so she wouldn't get trampled she was useless, she was left in the corner praying that Jessica is okay.

It was another thirty minutes until the crowd was back on the dance floor when she saw Jessica and Draco together. Bella thought it would be cute if they got together. She walked over to them to see Draco leave. She picked up a brown looking jelly bean and decided to ask Jessica what flavour it was.

"What is this flavour?" Bella asked Jessica. Jessica jumped and it was rather funny i made the jelly bean more seeable when she turned around.

"BELLA don't scare me like that" Jessica said to Bella as she holds her heart and pretends to faint.

"Oh get up and as I said before what is this flavour" Bella says as Jessica gets up off the floor. Bella thought Jessica was slightly stupid or over dramatic. Jessica told her it could be chocolate or dog poo. Bella made a disgusted face while throwing the jelly bean away.

After awhile of Jessica explaining the flavours and the jelly beans are actually called Bertie Botts. The guest was slowly leaving the hall. Bella and Jessica managed to get them selves on a small stage in the hall. Jessica was telling Bella about the time Draco and herself was having a snowball fight. She wished she was there she was 8 and a half at the graces house hold. They used to whip me if Bella did something wrong, hit me it Bella tripped, kicked Bella for no reason and give me no food if Bella woke up late.

The Dark Trio (The Philosophers Stone) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now