Hogwarts letter and diagon alley?! -Jessica

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Jessica's p.o.v (shocker)

I snatch the book off of Bella and am immediately hit with the sense of dark magic, I look at the cover and realise that this was a book about dark arts and potions.
"Give it back" Bella yells to me while I shake my head, no way am I gonna let her study the dark arts.
"No, why are you reading about the dark arts!" I ask her in a demanding voice just so she knows that I mean business.
"It's none of your business" she yells back at me while I start getting annoyed, she can't seriously be enjoying the book, she could die.
"It is, this isn't stuff for ten-year-olds" I yell back at her making sure that at least one other person in this manor can realise what is going on.
"Leave me alone! Leave to your uncle and leave me alone" she yells back at me but I am too stubborn.

All of a sudden I feel a magic force push me back onto the ground, I look up through the water and see Bella smirking at me with an evil look in her eyes, I then realise that I am feeling extremely tired, I fight the tiredness as I feel someone crouch next to me and starts talking but I can't hear them I am too deaf by the blaring noise of hate that is coming from me and the victorious smirk that is from Bella.

Before I fall into the land of the dark I manage to whisper a whisper so quiet I thought would be too hard to understand,
"How could you do this," I tell her as I let the darkness overcome me.

Third view p.o.v

Bella watches as Jessica struggles to stay awake, she is smirking so much she feels like her lips were going to break, but she doesn't let it show, she is too busy enjoying every moment of Jessica suffering.
"How could you do this" she hears Jessica whisper before falling into darkness. Bella stands still and the realisation hits her.

I just did magic she thought as she looks down at her hands and examines it for any change, she then starts laughing what could easily be mistaken for an evil, crazy laugh as she watches Jessica's uncle pick up the soaking wet, unconscious girl from the ground.

Jessica's p.o.v (yes again)


That's what I wake up to, well at least I think I wake up to, since I can't see anything.
"Jess" I hear a whisper but it's coming from all sides. I turn around but keep on hearing the whispers.
"Jessica we will find you" it's sounds like a hissing sound as the sentences finish. I look around even more but it's still all black.
So I do the most logical thing that anyone could ever think of.

I scream.

See logical.

Lupin p.o.v
I sit next to Jessica as she lays still. Not moving an inch. It's who-knows-what-time and I just got us both home. When all of a sudden she starts whispering. I lean closer to the unconscious girl as she whispers again.
"Jess" I frown as she whispers her name another three times. Must be a bad dream. I go to move when she starts to twitch around.
"Jessica we will find you" she whispers but this time she looks more frantic than before. Then all of a sudden she stops twitching and moving around. I thought it was finally over but I was wrong.

Because she starts screaming while holding her once limp hands to her ears. I look around her room frantically and notice a small mobile phone on her dresser. I quickly take the phone and call the only person I know would be able to help.

Severus Snape.

Snapes p.o.v.  (Yes I know a lot of p.o.v changes, and more to come)

I am sitting as I read the daily profit, ah yes Hogwarts is starting again soon, got to make sure i get every ingredient I am missing for my cupboard. I look to my side and see on the small table the picture of Jasmine while she is holding Jessica.

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