Christmas and mental attacks - Luna

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I wake up to fell the cold. Oh joy, I stood up and then complete collapse. Wait why did I collapse? I am not even that old, I kinda am but at the moment I am not. I look out of the window, and saw Hogwarts was covered in several feet of white snow, I was freezing .I ran to the bathrooms and got changed into my winter raven claw uniform, Later that day Fred and George was bewitching several snow balls to follow Professor Quirrell and owls tried to battle the wind, but ended up having to be nursed by Hagrid before they fly off. Holidays was about to start and people was getting excited for Christmas. But I hate Christmas! I have had over 1600 Christmas's, it always ended up me getting tortured. And in potions Mini Malfoy told the whole class that he 'felt sorry for all the people who have to stay at Hogwarts because they aren't wanted.' Well, I may be a lovegood but my original and first form made me as a smart-comment, crazy witch "well I feel sorry for all the 'students' that have to leave, cause' the professors don't want them..." he was looking at Harry and Jessica. Oh how can she stand this cold weather! Then Jessica measured powered spine of a lionfish - how Snape like.

I looked towards Harry and Ron to see their potion was just like a natural disaster - it was wrong. I looked in the potion and concentred on the bowl on hot liquid. What I would do to jump in there. Die, and see my parents again, my parents who died before I could see them again. Wishing I never got this curse, a curse that will never go but I might be able to extend the age. I look at Jessica, she was in her own world, she looked peaceful. You know when a person is in so much joy in something they can't stop but smile, and talk about it all day, that is what is happening to Jessica. I must say her parents were one of the best potions students I do say so my self.

But when Jessica went to touch my arm she was freezing. It was like her flesh was a blue fire - a winter fire, I flinched and gave her a death stare. I notice Snape saw, and walked the other way. I was freezing, if I could I would jump into a pit of lava, I look at Jessica but she had bight red cheeks. Is she trying to kill herself or what?

"you ok" she asked "go away" I said then she spoke back, "Are you sure, you done" "I'm fine! Really!" I snapped at her, I was getting grumpy but I couldn't help it.

After class I went into the toilets. I looked in the minor and saw my skin was deathly pale, you could put my face next to paper and it would nearly match, I was sick. It was bothering me, I thought 'whats going on' and 'I have been though worst. Right?' I turned the water on and placed my hands in it. 'is something bad going on?' I splashed water on my face 'is it because I haven't found the trio yet???' I look at my self and heard a voice I knew quite well.

"Oh" she hiccups. "its you, what do you want Lovegood?' Myrtle said mockingly. I look at her, "oh what! You don't know who I am?" I smirked and then I just left the toilet. I left to go into the great hall to see Hagrid, Ron and Harry with a Christmas tree.

"Come on, cheer up, it's nearly Christmas," said Hagrid. "Tell yer' what, come with me an' see the Great Hall, looks a treat." We followed him and I tried my best with a fake smile be then I saw Minerva. "Ah, Hagrid, the last tree -- put it in the far corner, would you?" The hall looked spectacular. Festoons of holly and mistletoe hung all around the walls, and no less than twelve towering Christmas trees stood around the room, some sparkling with tiny icicles, some glittering with hundreds of candles.

"How many days you got left until yer' holidays?" Hagrid asked. "Just one," said Hermione. "And that reminds me -Harry, Ron, we've got half an hour before lunch, we should be in the library." They run off and then It was just me and him. he looked at me weirdly. "whats up with you Luna?" "nothing" I said weakly, then I saw Jessica walk back into the room and she fell, I am collops. I ran to her and she had blacked out. Professors run to her aid. I was hoping she wouldn't die.

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