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I hate the small talk. the awkward texts sent back and forth of recommendations for tv shows and the recent books we've read will kill me. I don't care about the weather by you or the way you spent your first day of summer. I don't care that your new girlfriend wears glasses jus like mine or how she likes the same things as me. as a matter of fact, you can shove that all up your ass. you don't GET IT- that I don't want this. i don't want to be jus another person in your life!!! you think that it's easy because of the front I put up that I'm okay keeping in touch but it's a lie. because the minute that you say goodnight or goodbye I know I won't hear from you for another month or so and it will rip me apart at night. I don't want to see your name in my snapchat "needs love" section or see you liking my Instagram pictures. because then I am reminded of how you live on the outskirts of my life now. and how at one point you saw the darkest places in my soul and now you couldn't care less about what i feel at night or if I still lay awake crying.

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