12/9/15 pt. 2

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I should hate him. I can vividly remember every horrible memory- every car ride where I would blast the songs that reminded me of him and watch the world speeding by outside my window, every time I would be having a conversation with my mother and begin to sob uncontrollably, every time my family would say "I want to meet the boy all wound up by you" and I would smile tightly and blink rapidly to fight back tears bc you were no longer "wound up" by me, every time I laid in bed reading books upon books bc the only time I wasn't thinking about you was when I was pretending to be someone else. I should hate him because of all of those things. he chewed me up and spit me out and left me laying there to die. but I can't bc I also remember the good memories. every time we stayed after school together and "worked" on assignments which really meant that you were making me laugh until my stomach hurt and us shouting at people that we weren't a couple, every time he bought me my favorite food and "complained" how I'm gonna make you go broke, every time we would goof off in class so much that the teacher would separate us in an attempt to get us to pay attention( it failed every time- bc we would jus text each other and make funny faces across the room) and lastly, every time you took a minute to really get to know me or would mention something small that you noticed about me. I should hate him- but I can't. I don't. I won't.

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