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I only want to come here bc I want to see him. I want to see what he's wearing, what he's doing. I go to walk in and he's standing there- we see each other or at least I think we do. how do I know there isn't someone behind me? I walk up to the door and he's already inside. I try to step in and past but his asshole friend tries to walk out at the same time and he goes to follow- which causes us to almost bump into one another but instead our backpacks collide. (how did he even pass 9th grade he barely ever did his work what the actual fuck he's such a little asshole now I'm so confused) as he walks out I can't help but think I did it. he saw me coming and bolted- and I can't blame him. why would he want to stay in a room with the girl who played games with his heart? (to be fair he played a lot of fucking games with me- let's not forget those 2 months) DAMN IT I CANT EVEN WRITE A NORMAL FUCKING PARAGRAPH WITHOUT WANTING TO SCREAM BC WHEN I SEE U MY CHEST SQUEEZES AND MY STOMACH LURCHES AND MY HEAD SPINS BC ALL I WANT TO DO IS RUN INTO UR ARMS.

everything's about himDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora