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we were military kids when we met. we were jus 2 kids struggling with the same thing yet...neither could bare to speak it aloud. so we pretended it wasn't there. I didn't treat him different- and he did the same for me. he made me forget any abnormalities. we talked about our wildest dreams and our biggest hopes for life. he told me things he could never tell anyone- things he whispered to me in the dark on the phone so quiet I don't think he even heard himself. but I heard him. I heard everything he said and let it become a part of me. I set aside a fraction of my heart for him and only him and pretty soon it consumed all of me until I was nothing BUT him. I didn't mind tho. he knew, and pretty soon we came to the realization that we were the missing pieces to each other- the remedies to our broken souls. but even the strongest of remedies can only last for so long because the days and nights collided and the pieces of our hearts chipped away. the secret whispering in the dark turned into rare goodnight texts. the forehead kisses and thumb rubs were nothing but ghosts left to linger on each other's bodies. I'll never forget that last day he kissed me- the ceiling of the abandoned building was rusting and I couldn't help but open my eyes and look up at it with worry. i closed my eyes as we pulled away and I wish I could go back and keep my eyes shut for good and take in the moment. I would do anything to remember how his arms felt on my waist and lips against mine. I would do anything to go back to the nights we spent sitting cross legged on the swings by the water; no words were spoke and we didn't even have to touch. but to jus sit next to him there, on that swing, the ocean consuming every one of our senses...those are the nights I lived for.

we were military kids when we met. we moved around a lot and so I never knew what a home was until I sat with him that day on my back porch, crying and sobbing in his arms, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the chill of his tears on my neck. that's when I decided- this boy is my home.

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