He dropped my gaze, "I made a mistake, I know, but why can't you just forgive me?"

I chuckled, "I... You made mistakes before, lots of them, and I forgave all of them. So you can't exactly complain about the fact I'm not forgiving you."

Graham sighed and moved closer so our foreheads were separated only by a few inches, "I don't care if you don't forgive me. I will always love you."

I looked away and bit my lip, this was way harder than what I thought it would be, "If you love me why would you kiss Johanna?"

His eyes broke, "I already told you. She said she wanted one last kiss and if I agreed to kiss her she would leave me alone forever."

I pressed my lips, I wanted to believe him...

"Should I give you a second (more like a fifth) chance?" I asked him with doubt.

Graham's eyes sparkled for a moment, then he grabbed my hand and brought it to his heart, "It belongs to you," he kissed my cheek, "Now let's go eat by the shore the picnic I brought."

"Food? Yummy!" I exclaimed, "By the way, why did you exactly planned all this?"

"'Cause..." He started singing, "It's your birthday, it's your birthday, we're gonna party like it's your birthday!"


So, Graham and I were all fine again, the friends fine kind of way, though.

Today was Friday, Hayden's super important lacrosse match. A couple of days ago I had told Kota and Lea about it and they had kindly offered to give me a ride, plus, they got a chance to meet Hayden's friends who seemed to be hot.

"An A!" Graham exclaimed while running all the hallway until he reached my locker, "We got an A on our latin assignment!"

"For the sake of Zeus," I mocked, "Those are really good news! Congrats HamHam!"

Graham glanced at me but still continued talking, "Anyways, let's go celebrate, what are you doing after school?"

Suddenly I froze. Graham couldn't know where I was going... Hayden and him didn't end up being... um, friends. If I told Graham the truth he'd probably lock me in my house and order me not to leave.

"I'm, uh, I have... this really important thing this afternoon," I faked a smile, "I'm sorry."

Graham arched an eyebrow and grabbed my forearm so I couldn't escape, "Well I think you're hiding something."

I jerked my thumb at my chest, "Me? Hiding something? That's funny, really... Ha! Ha! Ha... Let me go," I managed to say.

He rolled his eyes, "Wherever you're going you can tell me, I won't get mad or anything. It isn't like you're going on a road trip with some criminal extra-tattoed boyfriend I don't know about."

I grinned at his example, "Nah, promise you won't get mad?"

Graham nodded and opened his eyes wider.

"I'm seeing Hayden this evening," That was it. I'd said it.

Graham's expression paled for a second, "I'm sorry, what?"

I cleared my throat, "I'm seeing Hayden this evening," I repeated.

"That doesn't make any sense... Why would you go see Hayden when you have me by your side, it's nonsense," Graham rubbed the back of his neck.

I winced, "What? You thought I started going with Hayden just 'cause you weren't there by my side?"

He frowned, "Pretty obvious, duh."

I crossed my arms in displeasure, so he thought Hayden was some sort of a second plate? That was cruel and evil but still kind of cute.

"Look, I'm seeing Hayden because I like him. He's a great friend, unlike someone right here next to me..." I cleared.

"I don't even care about that kid, do whatever you want to do."

Just tell me you don't want me to go and I'll stay. With you.

And with that, he walked away leaving me alone in the middle of the hallway.


"Okay, we're here, you ready?" Kota told me just as she stopped the car engine.

I swallowed and nodded. Kota, Lea and I had just parked in the parking lot of Egcon High School were Hayden was supposedly going to play lacrosse in about twenty minutes.

We got out of the car and headed to the unknown high school, anyways, we knew where to go because what I thought was the school band was playing some sort of music so we just followed it and arrive to the lacrosse pitch.

We sat on the last roads and Kota took out the popcorn she had been carrying from home. Since the match was about to start and I couldn't see Hayden anywhere I texted him:

Me: Hayhay, ;) already here. Good luck!!

Hayhay: The match's about to start!!!! Thx for coming btw.

I locked my phone and grabbed a bunch of popcorn then stuffed them all in my mouth.

"You nervous, huh?" Lea arched an eyebrow amused.

Suddenly, the crowd above and under me started cheering and clapping, that's when I noticed the lacrosse team coming out of the restrooms with their hands in the air begging for our cheers.

I recognized Hayden immediately, that dark black and big brown eyes were recognizable even with a helmet on. After that, the other team (the enemy) walked out, and the crowd started cheering again.

I really don't know anything about lacrosse so I was kind of lost during the match, so were Kota and Lea. We didn't care, though, we had popcorn and hot guys.

In a blink of an eye the match had finished. Hayden's team had lost.

I could see how Hayden took out his helmet and threw it harshly to the floor, then he passed his hands through his hair desesperately and let himself fall to the fresh grass.

It made somehow sad.

A few minutes passed while the team who had won celebrated it and some teammate offered Hayden his hand so he could get up and head to the restrooms where everyone (I supposed) was.

Poor Hayden... He must be really depressed.

Author's Note
I know this chapter isn't special in any way but you have to admit it was kind of interesting:)
I'm so excited for u to see what happens next with Hayden hehehe






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