Chapter 12

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  • Dedicated to My sister!

HI I MISSED YOU ALL!!!! I updated my other story TWICE and here I am again! REMEMBER RMEBER THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER!! No I'm kdding remember to VOTE and COMMENT and DRUM ROLL FANNNNN!!!! WOOO HOO!!!! :D So yeah! THANKS SO MUCH for reading my story and hopefully my other storys!!!!

Xox Mandy!!! on the internet I am <3

Chapter 12

Cassie's POV

By the next morning I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed. Or I was too lazy but it did help to have Timmy with me. He's a great friend. Also Moony stayed with me and got me tissues. He doesn't know about my stash of choclate so he couldn't understand how I was sick and couching, but I was also really hyper and saying random things.

“Hey Moony.” I said sounding conjested. He looked up from the homework he was doing. We had classes today but he skipped them JUST FOR ME!! He's so sweet.

“Yeah.” He said. I leaned towards him as much as I could which was only about an inch.

“You never gave me a feel better soonish kiss.” I said pouting. He luaghed.

“What's a feel better soonish kiss?” he asked. I sighed.

“A fell better soonish kiss is when yiou want someone to fell better soon but also not because there is always a good side to being sick. Like this one time I got sick when I was seven and I faked it for a whole week and James had to be my servant. That is the soonish part.” I siad. He laughed and lent in. He kissed me and it felt like we were kissing for a whole butterfly year but then Sirius wlaked in.

“Hey Snowy- AHHHH MY EYES MY INNOCENT EYES!” He screamed and fell on the floor. I laughed and laid back down because that took up all of my energy. I saw Moony blush and then go back to his homework. I closed my eyes hoping for sleep but it never came I just sat there for like three hours wating for sleep. Timmy was still on my head but he was sleeping. Lucky turtle. Soemone started lightly shaking me so I rolled over to see Remus was standning there.

“No offence Snowy, but you look horrible.” He said. I rolled my eyes.

“Thanks, that's just what every sick girl wants to hear from her boyfriend.” I said. I sounded a lot worse. I couldn't breathe out of my nose and my throat hurt so I didn't want to talk. Also I kept sneezing and blowing my nose. Remus laughed.

“I think you should go down to the hospital wing.” he said. I groaned and then coughed.

“Whatever, I is just tired.” I said lazily. He laughed and picked me up. He placed Timmy in my hand and I crdled Timmy like Remus was doing to me. He walked out of the common room and started towards the hospital wing.

“I has bad grammar.” I said tiredly. He laughed again and hugged me to his chest.

“I like your bad grammar. It's cute.” He said. I nodded into his chest.

“De fish are lijing your jair.” I sadi trying to talk with a french accent but sounding like a jamacian person.

“Oh well tell the fish I said thank you.” He said chuckling. I nodded into his chest again and only mumbled my reply. Finally we made it to the Hospital wing where he gently laid me down on one of the beds. I closed my eyes instantly to the blinding light. I heard Remus chuckle and walk away. I felt Timmy move on my hand and then all of a sudden I felt him on my head. I was to tired to look so I just left him there. I'm awesome because I have a pet turtle that climbs on me. I think i'm delirious. Remus then decided to enter the world of fishiflies with Madam Pomfrey. She came and looked me over while Remus sat in the chair next to me. It was quiet for about a minute before Madam Pomfrey sighed.

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