Chapter 1: First meeting

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This is my first creepy pasta story so take me easy-enjoy and the for leaving leave your comment's they are highly appreciated

You were y/n l/n. Your parents had always thought you were strange in the head after of an accident that happened making you forget most of your childhood. They would send you to physiologist and doctors trying to regain your memory but no matter how hard you to tried it would never work. You were into creepy things and different types of music, which your parents despised because your most interest was in creepy pasta.  Now you were sitting in your room alone in the house. Your parents had gone to a birthday party for your brother and you honestly didn't want to go. You would rather stay at home and draw. Your birthday was coming up and you had practically begged your parents to take down the old wallpaper that decorated your walls. But they would always tell you no. You always wondered why and it was starting to get to you now, to the point where you were ready to take them down yourself.

You always wanted to paint your room F/C. You started thinking an then an idea popped into your head what if you just took them down while they weren't here. You took down your posters and picture frames beside your bed. It would be easier to cover up if you started around your bed since you could just hide what you tore with your bed frame. You started pulling on the old paper and peeled it back.  You kept peeling and found something strange about it. You looked at the door on the wall wondering how in the world did you not to notice it's outline before. You could hear what sounded like creaking and you leaned in closers to hear better. You wondered what was on the other side. You pressed against the door at first it wouldn't budge and then it did. It creaked as you peered inside you grabbed your phone and turned on the flashlight. You saw piles and piles of toys that literally seemed to go on to no end. You crawled through the door looking around. Once you got in you stood up and looked around. The room you were in was big enough for someone  live in. The loads of toys and seemed to be there forever some seemed to look brand new though. Once specific toy caught your eye and you picked it up examining it's features. It pretty cool to you so you slipped in in to front pocket of your sweater.

You wandered around trying not to stumble over toys. You looked around finally deciding there was nothing interesting about this place you started to head out. You could hear movement down stairs  and would come back when you didn't have to deal with your family. You kept yourself focused on the fact that you still had to cover up the wall paper your ripped. You pushed your bed to the side covering the blue door. Your mother came in the room after you turned around from pushing your bed. You smiled nervously at her as she flopped down on your bed." Never again do I go to help the Johnsons birthdays " she said exhausted. "I told you it wasn't going to be worth it" you said laying next to her." Yeah...are you hungry we brought food from the party" she sad sitting up. "I'll eat it later" you said lightly." Alright, well be outside in the back yard if you need anything, we're goanna set up the pool and play the stereo" she said leaving your room. You pulled out the doll in the pocket of your sweater.

It would look creepy to any other person but to you it looked pretty legit. You looked at its eyes as they sparkled from the light. The long rabbit ears on other were cute but the colors on him are what you like the best. You heard your mom turn on he stereo and you sight getting up and Turing off the lights to your room. You closed your curtain letting your room fall dark. You lied back on your bed and crawled under the covers. Once you were comfortable you fell asleep.

Four hours later

You woke up to eat and you sat down in the living room and turned on the TV and stated watching your favorite show. At times you could let yourself relax since you weren't around people. But when you were you were just the one to always sound quiet but when you were mad boy, we're you something.

-My Kind Of Fun- JASON THE TOY MAKER X TEEN READERWhere stories live. Discover now