Stay Away (Crona x Reader)

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Edited: 06/04/18

It has been a couple months since my breakup with Matty. I have gotten over him. He was rude and tried to hurt me multiple times. I drew the line when he had a knife raised above his head. Thank goodness he couldn't do it. I then ran far away from him and into the comforting arms of my friend, Crona. That aside, I started to develop feelings for him and found out Crona likes me too, from Ragnarok; Crona was too shy.

I walk down the hallway, books in my arms. I look at all the missions there are avalible. It was getting kind of boring and I need something to get the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Something dangerous for me and my partner.

"(Y/n)! Hey, (Y/n)!" I look down the hallway and see Matty pushing through the crowd.

"What do you want?" My voice colder than the arctic. My (e/c) eyes glare into his.

"I am sorry. The months I have been without you have been the worst in my life. I tried to tell myself I don't need you, but I was wrong. The stuff I tried to do to you was truly horrific. Words cannot explain how sorry I am. I love you, and need you. My beautiful, gorgeous angel. Take me back, please; forgive all that I have done." He pleads on his knees. Could he really believe that I would take him back in? After all he did? Not a chance. A couple people are watching. Including my new boyfriend, Crona.

"No way. Not a chance, I would rather have to live with Excalibur for the rest of my life." That comment set him off like a rocket.

"You did not just say that to my face." He stands up and sassily snaps.

"Yeah. She did. All complaints can be filed to this guy, (Y/n)'s boyfriend. Now stay away from her!" Ragnarok came out of Cronas back, and points to the boy whom he is resting his arms on. Matty runs over to my love, his arm now a blade.

With one swift movement a fist is slammed down on Matty's head. Not Ragnarok's, but Crona's. Matty collapses, and Crona steps over him; making his way to me.

"Thanks." I kiss his cheek. He blushes.

"Turns out I do know how to deal with ex-boyfriends." He says.

"Help me choose a mission?"

"Nothing dangerous. I don't want you hurt. I don't know if I could deal with that."

"No fun." I peck his lips. He sighs, and mutters something I couldn't hear, "What was that, love?"

"I feel kind of bad for hitting Matty."

"Don't be. He deserved it."

"(Y/n) is right, as usual," Ragnarok butts in, "Lets choose a mission and go. Crona had something planned."

"You spoiled the surprise." Crona complains.

Instead of choosing a mission, I get dragged by a smiling Crona out if the school. Probably the surprise. How I love that cute, loveable boy.

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