I walked up to the kitchen island where I would be sleeping next to. It was the only space left where the boys wouldn't be able to bother me, but just then a wandering presence of a someone, of a something kept me awake.

The room rested in pure silence, but an ominous hand tugged at my anxiety. There was definitely someone watching me.

I shifted slightly to the side, and as soon as I did the air grew colder and the ground almost as if frost covered shook.

"Dear God, if I'm going to die now, please let it be a painless one."

The silence stood still, as my whole body froze to feel the changes in the air. I took a breath, the air shifted, another, it shifted. In between the shifting, finally I gripped hard onto my bed sheets and gathered enough courage to open my eyes just for a centimeter.

"Ahhh! You scared me," I spat out the knot that formed within my throat, as I attempted to fix my pillows I threw in my mess of fear.

The figure before me just laughed as it sat down beside me. I rubbed my eyes trying to get a better look at him.

"What are you doing still up? Eo?" I shifted slightly to the side inviting the person to sit beside me under my blankets patting it down for him, Kris.

"Sorry I just can't get something out my mind." He tilted his head to rest on my shoulder, and as he did so I peeked at him looking for any signs of what he could be so worried about. "It's about Gia."

And instantly I knew what he meant.

Kris and I, we met up again when Minah brought me to China. It was his mother's company that helped us take down SM little by little.

Of course we were awkward at first, very awkward, but we were never the same after he left. Besides that, I found out that he left for all the right reasons. I knew he wasn't the kind of person to just leave the boys like that, and I was right.

Naturally, we became close friends. We told each other all our problems, including my past with Chaneyol. He understood everything, and practically we concluded we were really better off as close friends.

"Gia? What about her?"

Gia was Kris's fiancée. Kris was on an arranged marriage now, and in fact it seemed like his soon-to-be wife would have the same personality as him. Cold, but tender like left over chicken. He was doomed the moment he laid his eyes on her. I saw it simply in his eyes, they were just like the first time I'd ripped out his name tag.

The only difference now was this woman matched him well.

"So, I took your advice on being nice to her and all, but she still hates me. I feel like she wants me to die." Kris began.

The corners of my lips lifted, "That's exactly how I felt when I met you. Now you get a taste of your own medicine."

" But I don't try to. It's just-- ugh that's just me!"

"And that's just her."

Gia was undeniably cold. She was a terrifying and headstrong woman, with a heart colder than Kris himself.

Kris knew that obviously, but he still hadn't seen all of her. Despite Gia's cold demeanor she was still like any other person who yearned for some love.

"So what do I do now. Our wedding's in a few months. I don't wanna live a life full of hate. I gave that up already."

I was about to answer when a soft shuffling caught my attention. My eyes darted to Kris, his eyes flickered with the same suspicion.

"Well we can always elope and get married instead." I looked to Kris and smiled. There was someone eavesdropping, and a few games and tricks here and there wouldn't hurt right.

Kris caught onto my little lie and fully turned his body to me, "Well have you told that giant yet that you really still love me? I can't believe he still thinks you guys have something."

I pursed my lips stifling a laugh that was bubbling inside of me. "Unfortunately no. We still need finish some business before I could tell him.

"And after that," Kris layed me on my back hovering on top of me, his eyes full of mirth, and his smile full of amusement.

Suddenly the shuffling stopped with a soft thud, and what seemed like muffled sobs.

Kris got off of me bidding goodbye, snickering silently as he walked into his hallway. I brushed myself off still trying not laugh as I cleared my throat.

The lights were still dim and the night was still cold. I followed the muffled cries as it amplified with each step I took, and once I saw a curled up somebody I paused to brace myself.

"Chanyeol-ah, what are you doing?"

Chanyeol was on the floor hiding between his knees. He sniffled a little before silencing himself, but as time stood still he did so too.

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