Sacramento, California (Again)

863 45 18

Pre-Note: the last part I am very emotional


Three months later, the stock pile that started off as a never-ending pile of food had turned into mostly wrappers and crumbs that we probably wouldn't get around to cleaning up for days. 

Three months later, the clothes on our backs were smelly and in desperate need of a washing.

Three months later, we were home.

And I'll never forget the moment we pulled into the driveway of the house we hadn't really even thought about in three of the shortest and longest months of my life. I didn't really know what to feel. I was happy to be home, happy to be getting back into routine, bcak to normal, but at the same time, I felt empty. I mean, half the summer, I just wanted to be home, and, of course, the night before I actually do get home, everything falls into place. And I just wanted to stay there forever. 

But I had Anthony now, and that was all I needed. As long as I was with him, I really couldn't care less about where we were.

For a minute or so, we just sat in the car, staring up at our house. Not really believeing that we were actually home. That it was actually over.

And eventually, Anthony turned off his car and we got out, and he met me around the front of it, and he smiled a little before wrapping his arms around me, whispering "Welcome home" into my ear. I returned the hug, nuzzling into his neck. And at that moment, I realized I was sort of glad I was home. 

We walked inside, hand-in-hand, and as soon as the front door was open, I breathed in deep through my lungs, inhaling the lingering scent of our little home that I had been deprived of for months. I smiled a little at it, feeling my boyfriend - God, it felt so amazing to finally call him that - do the same next to me.

He began walking forward, pulling me along with him, and I was about to stop him and tell him we should unpack and do productive things, but then realized he had just driven for hours straight and needed to relax. We could unpack later.

He pulled me over to the couch, the infamous leather couch that had so much more meaning than just a place to sit, and I instantly fell into his arms, cuddling up against him.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked almost instantly, rubbing my arm.

I laughed a little. "You aren't about to dump me on the second day, are you?"

And even though I was completely joking, the thought still terrified me. 

But, to my relief, he only laughed and pulled me closer to him, saying, "Of course not."

"Then what is it?"

"I just wanted to thank you."

His chest vibrated when he spoke, making me laugh a little. I rolled over so I could look up at him, and he looked back down at me, that adorable half-smile plastered to his face.

"For what?" 

"For keeping your promise. For making this the best summer of my life."

I looked down and shook my head a little. "No it wasn't. Half the time we just wanted to go home, and it was all my-"

"Shh, don't even say it," he cooed, gently pushing my head back into the crook of his neck. "That's not true. This honestly was the best summer I've ever had. And it's all thanks to you."

It was silent for a moment as we just enjoyed the company of each other, breathing in each other's scent and smiling against his skin.

After a minute, he spoke quietly into my ear, saying, "Did I keep my promise?"

I looked back up at him, confused. "What promise?"

He smiled a little, but it quickly faded. "At the beginning of the summer, I promised myself that I would use this summer to show you how much you mean to me and how sorry I am for being such a douche these past two years."

I sat up and looked at him, and he looked back, and the look on his face showed that he actually meant it.

"Anthony, are you kidding?" I asked seriously, sitting sideways against the leather. "You would never, ever have to show me that. And of course, you were gonna act a little extra-douchey when with that skank." I smirked. "Good thing you don't have to deal with her anymore. Now you get little old me."

He laughed a little, showing all his pearly white teeth. 

"And little old you is the best thing I could ever ask for," he said, leaning in, pressing his lips against mine.

I kissed him slowly, deeply, smiling against his lips. He pulled me back into him, and I willingly agreed, making myself comfortable in his arms again.

For a minute or so, we were silent as the thought loomed in the back of our minds, the thought that we should unpack and start working on new Smosh stuff and just be productive, but all we wanted to do was sit in each other's arms.

"God, I miss it already," he said quietly, startling me a little.

I shrugged a little. "All good things have to come to an end, I guess."

"I would have to disagree with that."

I looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

And he smiled down at me. And in that moment, the realization of what was happening finally hit me: Anthony was mine at last. The one person I've ever loved, my best friend, was all mine. And as I laid in his arms, I smelled the faint scent of cologne on his skin and stale toothpaste in his breath, and I could hear his steady heartbeat against my ear, and I could feel his big, sweaty palm gently carressing my arm, and I could feel the ridiculously strong love for each other in the air, and that single moment, that one little epiphany, was the single greatest moment of my life.

I felt his lips curve into a smile against my cheek. 

"Well, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and what we have is definitely going to last forever."

A/N: ok so I wrote this at 1 a.m. on a Friday night woo I'm a party animal like tone it down Grace but serioulsly I was listening to Sleeping With Sirens while writing this and I SWEAR towards the very end the acoustic version of If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn came on and I decided I had to link it because well it fits this perfectly ok and I may or may not have cried. That song is just IANTHONY. 

But yes. This is now over :): mixed emotions yay. Like I'm glad I'm finally done with it but it's always sad to finish a story wah :(

So, yeah. Whether you just discovered me yesterday or have been reading this since day one, I just wanna thank you for reading, because it really means a lot :)

Thank you all for over 2k reads on this :D

Okay so yeah. Please leave some feedback over the WHOLE thing, positive or negative, whatever you want, because it would really help :)

So I'll probably just upload more of my next Smoshernatural fic and maybe a few little one-shots before my next big fic, because well I've barely started it .-. So I'll probably have the first part of it up in a week or so ^_^

For real though, thank you all for all the reads and comments and likes on this. It means SO much, and I really hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it <3

See ya latah c:

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