Salt Lake City, Utah

691 23 9

Pre-Note: Okay. So, I'm sure you've heard by now (if you haven't, you probably live on Mars), yes, Kalel and Anthony are engaged. And even though I don't loooove Kalel, I'm really happy for them :) I don't believe it is "the end of ianthony," as some people are calling it, and I'll still ship it when they're both married and have kids of their own. So, yeah. I'm still gonna write Ianthony no matter what ^_^ As hard as it is, we have to let our little Anthony grow up guys :/ Okokokok. That's all. And in the words of a 9-year-old fangirl: IANTHONY 4 LYF!!111!!!


It only took about seven hours to make it to Salt Lake City.

During that time, I slept. I slept for basically the whole time. And I felt kinda bad because I left Ian alone up front to drive while I snored in the back, but I needed it. I felt like I could have died this morning.

Before leaving Vegas, Ian and I went back to that wedding chapel and got an official divorce. I found the whole situation to be absolutely hilarious, because it was just so ironic. But Ian was acting weird about it. He was so, like, stressed about it, when it really wasn't a big deal. We were completely drunk and in Vegas. Shit happens.

We arrived at our hotel in Salt Lake City just before dinnertime. This hotel was a little nicer than the last one, but still not great. It had two beds though, which was a huge plus. We were only staying here one night, because there wasn't really that much to do. But we didn't wanna have to drive all the way from Vegas to the Black Hills, our next stop.

The place was pretty cool, though. I'd never been to any part of Utah, and I didn't really know what to expect. The view was great, though. Despite all the tall buildings and pollution, you still got a great view of the tall mountains stretched behind it. As much as I wished the buildings weren't even there so the mountains were even prettier, I was still fascinated by it.

After checking into our hotel, we got back in the car and drove to find somewhere to eat. We decided on some little place only a few minutes from our hotel called "The Red Iguana," because we were both in the mood for Mexican, and considering the little iguana on the sign outside was wearing a sombrero, we guessed they probably served it.

The inside of the place was pretty nice. A typical little Mexican restaurant. We got a table for two, and as soon as I sat down, Ian said exactly what I was thinking.

"So I think after this we should check out those mountains."

I smiled a little. "I was just thinking that. They look pretty sweet."

"Yeah. And I saw some sort of beach next to them we could go to tomorrow."


The mountains were even more beautiful up close.

And I think we got there at the perfect time too, because the sun was setting directly behind them, creating a sort of glowing outline around the jagged edges. I'm sure they looked even better in the winter when covered with snow, but this was still breath-taking.

"You know, I wasn't really too excited to come here, but this is awesome," I remarked, glancing over at Ian, who had his phone pointed at the scene.

"Yeah. I had no idea what to expect, but I'm sure as hell glad I put this in the plan," he said, nodding.

I exhaled in agreement, slouching a little. We were sitting on the top of some picnic table overlooking the scenery, accompanied by the sound of toursists around us; couples kissing and children screaming and even a family talking in Spanish.

I looked over again, and laughed a little as Ian's eyelids began drooping. He hadn't slept since last night, and I couldn't even imagine how tired he was, considering even though all I did was sleep today, I could barely keep my eyes open.

"We can go back if you want," I offered.

"Hmm?" he asked, shooting his eyes open. "No, it's fine."

"You sure?" I asked, laughing a little. "You're about to fall asleep sitting up."

"Yeah, but I don't want to miss this. I'll be fine."

And he was fine for about a minute, until his eyes shut completey and his head subconciously fell against my shoulder. I looked over, and his mouth was open slightly, his eyelids covering those gorgeous pieces of heaven he called eyes. He looked absolutely adorable.

Wait, what?

I shook the thought off, completely confused with what the hell my brain just thought. His head drooped lower onto my chest, and deciding that that position must be totally uncomfortable, I scooted closer and put an arm aound him, forcing his head into a more comfortable position. It probably looked extremely gay, but I really could care less. We've been called so many diferent slangs for that word since we've been friends, I couldn't even count them all. We were immune to it. 

I slowly rubbed his shoulder as I shifted my eyes back to the mountains. It was getting darker by the second, and therefore harder and harder to see. But it was still stunning. 

And sitting there, taking in the view before it vanished from sight, listening to Ian's slow breaths on my chest, and shivering just a little from the cooling air, I realized it was the happiest I'd been in a long time.

A/N: I've never been to Salt Lake City, but this is what google told me. xD Yeah, I basically said everything in the Pre-Note, so... yeah. xD See ya latah c:

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