Mackinac Island, Michigan

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Pre-Note: Okay so I've been totally sucking at updating lately and I'm sorry ._. I've been really busy :( and this weekend I'll be gone also, so I'll really try to get back to updating normally next week ^.^ I felt the need to put this chapter in here because I live in Michigan and love Mackinac Island and am going there next weekend :D Alright alright go ahead and read c:


We didn't even do anything but sleep in Indianapolis.

No offense to anyone living there, but what do you do all day? We were planning on at least spending a few hours there, but there was literally nothing to do. So, after sleeping in our grossest hotel room yet for the night, we basically left first thing in the morning.

We drove to Mackinac City, Michigan, in about eight and a half hours. It was a pretty long drive, but we didn't really have any other option. We wanted to go somewhere in Michigan, but there's not a lot to do down south.

We parked in the city, and walked to this place where we were told we had to take a ferry to the island itself. The thought scared me a little, because when I was little I got pretty seasick, but I haven't been on a boat in a really long time. I'm sure I got over it.


Well, I was wrong.

Not even a minute after stepping foot on that fucking boat, I could feel the vomit bubbling in my throat as my head spun. We were standing out on the front deck because Ian wanted to, but I quickly grabbed his hand and dragged him inside. 

'What's up, man?" he asked after I dragged him to a series of mostly empty seats as far away from the windows as possible.

I didn't reply. I instead buried my head in my hands and closed my eyes, trying to picture myself anywhere but here.

I felt his hand on my back, and I relaxed a little. The feeling slowly disappeared, until I felt almost normal again, and I slowly sat up, taking a deep breath.

"Jesus, I forgot how seasick I get," I stated, laughing a little.

"Really? I didn't know that," he responded.

Even though I was fine now, his hand was still slowly rubbing my back, and for some reason, it made me feel safe. Like he was protecting me.

"Yeah, I thought I would be fine by now," I said, shrugging. "But it's fine. I'll be fine."

"You sure? Your face is pretty damn pale."

"Yeah, I feel fine now. Thanks." I smiled.

"No problem, man. Just looking out for you. And it's only a twenty minute ride anyways."


The island was actually really cool.

Very, very tourist-y. The island itself wasn't even four miles of land, and was mostly just a long street of endless shops and places selling fudge. There surprisingly weren't that many people, and it was really peaceful and calm. No cars were allowed on the island, so everyone was either walking or riding bikes.

Since we both hadn't eaten in a while, we decided to get some dinner first. We walked down the street for a while, joking about the shops and how nearly every place sold ridiculous hats (and I'm not lying about that; this place must be known for its fudge and hats) before coming across this place called the Pink Pony, and, not gonna lie, we really only came here because of the name. And, it looked sort of fancy but not really, and if we sat outside we got a sweet-ass view of Lake Huron.

And, it turned out being really good. I got a plate of fettucini alfredo while Ian got a burger, and we both agreed the food was as good as the name. The view was, too. It offered not only a really cool view of the lake, but also of the island. There were so many big houses and old-looking scenery. It was pretty amazing. 


After dinner, we stopped in just a few shops before they all closed for the night. Of course, we just had to check out one of the countless shops displaying hats in the window, and actually ended up each buying one. There were so many to choose from; hamburgers to pizza to monsters to hot dogs to the Eiffel Tower. I got the pizza one, and Ian, the hamburger. It was such a stupid purchase, but we just had to.

We also went to a fudge shop since the fudge from this island was advertised as "The best in the country." I got a huge hunk of just plain chocolate, and Ian got peanut butter. We tried a little of each, and where I wouldn't call it the best in the country, but it was pretty damn good. I had a feeling we would be adding some to our food mountain in the backseat of my car.

By this time, a lot of shops were closing and people were going back to their hotels. We were both pretty exhausted, so we found our hotel, which happened to be really nice and pretty big. However, the rooms weren't so big, and once again, we only had one bed.

"Your turn," I said, laying down on the bed.

"Yeah, I know. I will later," Ian replied, laying down next to me. "You think they have movies you can buy on this TV?"

"Yeah probably."

He grabbed the remote and flipped it on. Sure enough, the first thing that came up was an ad reading Press 3 For Starlight Movie Rentals.   

We bought Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (come on, who doesn't love that movie?), but I didn't make it ten minutes before falling asleep.

A/N: So yeah, everything about Mackinac is true :D Like I didn't even have to google anything this time haha. And it's true what I wrote about everything in Southern Michigan being lame -.- I'm so excited to go there next weekend though :D See ya latah c:

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