Las Vegas, Nevada - Part 3

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After our skydiving experience, we grabbed lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe, and decided that since we'd already spent so much money we would just chill at the hotel until going to the casino.

And that's what we did. We finally broke into the snack pile and pigged out on Cheez-its while watching Dinner for Schmucks on the cheap hotel TV. During that time, we checked the Smosh Twitter account, and were surprised to find that we didn't get too many hate tweets. People were actually being somewhat supportive. 

It was really great to know we had such great fans. Most of them, at least.


The casino next door to our hotel wasn't huge, but it definitely wasn't small. I mean, I'm sure there were probably like, fifty other bigger casinos around, but there were more than enough people as it was. 

We ordered a round of beers to start off, because it's basically a rule that you can't gamble unless you're at least a little bit tipsy. No, we weren't planning on getting full-blown wasted or blowing all our money on those damn machines, but something about gambling was just so much fun.

So, after feeling just the slightest bit overly-happy and the room only spun a little, we hit the machines.

"Alright, which one is calling to you?" I asked Ian, carrying a bucket with twenty dollars worth of quarters in it.

He scanned the seemingly never-ending rows of gambling machines with flashing lights and loud noises, rubbing his beard that was starting to get really long. Then, he confidently pointed to one towards the middle and walked over to it.

I followed, laughing, because some extremely drunk guy towards the back of the casino got a little too frustated and threw his change bucket against the wall, shooting little silver coines everywhere. Then, he got up and apologized to the bucket, collecting all the coins.

Ian stopped in front of the machine and looked at me, smiling. I inserted a coin, and gestured to the handle, as if asking him to do the honors. He took a deep breath, secured his hand around the handle, and pulled it, sending the pictures on te slots into a whirlpool. One stopped - a grape, then an orange, and lastly, an apple. Nothing.

"Alright, alright, let me try," I said, pushing him aside. I jerked down on the handle, then watched as the pictures mashed into a blur of nothing. Then an orange appeared, then an apple, then... another apple!

"Hey! Five dollars!" I exclaimed as my reward came shooting down into the metal tray under the machine. I collected it happily, and Ian said something about getting us more beer, but I couldn't hear over the loud noises of people.

I spun again. Nothing. Again. Nothing. Again. Nothing. I guess my streak was over.

I turned around to see Ian at the bar, and it really surprised me to see he was talking to a girl. A hot girl, too. 

He came back a minute later with two more beers in his hand, and I instantly got to interrogation.

"I see you were, uh, talking to someone over there," I said, raising my eyebrows.

He shrugged. "Yeah. Just this really, really drunk girl that was all, 'I know you from somewhere, yeah, I've seen you before.'"

I nudged him a little. "Yeah? What'd you say?"

He shook his head. "Nothing, really."

I dropped my shoulders a little. "Why not?"

He shrugged again. "'Cause... I just don't want to. Maybe I'm just not wasted enough yet."

I sighed. "Look, man. If a girl that hot comes onto you, you don't reject."

He shot me a glance. "Thanks."

"Just saying."

I drank from my beer, eyeing him. I really didn't understand him. He didn't even try with relationships or anything. I really didn't get it. He's never been in a relationship, he's always backed away from girls... it just didn't make sense.

"Win anything else?" he asked, obviously trying to change the subject.

"Nope. You try."

So he did. And he won ten dollars.

"Fuck yeah!" I screamed a little louder than planned. But no one seemed to care. Or even notice. I mean, it was a casino. Everyone was wasted off their ass.

Ian high-fived me, then pulled again. Nothing.

"Hold on, let's try it together," I suggested, popping in a quarter. I set my hand on the lever, and he put his over mine, and then we both pulled down. And something about that spin seemed extra special, and I felt my heartbeat escalate as I watched the pictures spin.

And we got twenty dollars.

"Oh my God, keep going!" I screamed, jumping up and down like a little kid at an arcade.

So we did. And we got nothing.

By now, my second beer was almost gone, and things were starting to get a little strange. But I could still function almost properly, so I knew I would be fine.

Ian didn't have alcohol as much as me, and because of it, had a much lower tolerance for it. So he was already slurring his words, stumbling a little, and saying some pretty weird things. And it was really, really funny.

And we had more beers, and wasted more money, and it was really fun.

And things got tipsier and tipsier, and at some point, everything blurred together, and that's all I can remember.

A/N: Three cheers for boring chapters! :P Haha, they're finally almost out of Vegas though. They spend too long there >.< Okay uh yeah. See ya latah c:

The Summer to RememberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora