"That will be 40. 99." The woman behind the counter said while staring directly at Ethan, but Ethan didn't look back her. Matter of fact he wasn't even close to looking at her, his focus was elsewhere.

I grabbed a bag and started walking back to the car but something or should I say someone stopped me. "We need to talk." I didn't have to turn around to see who that was. I followed him to the side of the car. My hands were shaking. 'Lord please help me get through this.' I thought repeatedly in my head.

There was a long silence which felt like ages so, I decided to break it.
"Ethan, I didn't mean-"
"Let's talk about this later."
"You wanted to talk?!" I screamed. He grabbed the door handle, opened it and got in the car. He slammed the door and at that moment, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry my heart out.

Belinda opened my door and gently pushed me inside.
She grabbed her headphones and put one in my ear,p. She wrapped the two of us I her huge blanket and layer my head on her lap.

I felt the tears come down like waterfalls. Belinda rubbed my back and whispered "It's going to be okay." I closed my mouth to keep the sobs in but one slipped out. Ethan turned around but Jay pulled him back to the front. They were whispering to each other. I was starting to get sleepy but I didn't want to fall asleep. But the universe practice said ''Hell no, get some sleep" because Belinda did and the universe listens to Belinda. My body betrayed me and I here I am trying to fight sleep. With one last look at Ethan, who turned around and looked at me again, I fell asleep.

"In the end it doesn't even matter."

Here we are, we finally made it. San Diego, home. I really miss it here, the beach, surfing, Pierce the veil, other bands, it's chill here. I think I should come home after I finish this semester. I mean I only have, what two weeks left, I might as well get my stuff ready once we get back to New York.

"HALEY BUG!" Uncle Mike screamed once we got inside my grandparents house. "Hello Uncle Mike!" He always cheers me up, that's why I should be home. "How are you doing and where's Ethan?" He smiled but it quickly vanished once he saw my teared face. I tried my best to stopped crying but I didn't seem to stop.

Am I a ducking sprinkler or something, an ocean...nah I'm not that emotional.

Uncle mike pulled me to the side and grabbed Vic as well. "Hey baby girl- What's wrong?" Dad said while giving me the look. I feel as if every parent has 'the look'. 'The look' is for when you're interrupting their conversation with another adult. For when you keep bugging them, and for when you're in an argument and they're giving you a warning before they whoop your ass...etcetera etcetera.

"Um, well..can we talk about this later, I'm still trying to recover-"
"Recover from what, what happened!" Dad yelled at me. I started shaking. Me, the rebellious teen, is having a breakdown because her and her boyfriend had an argument and now her father is screaming at her. But I do have to admit, dad's scary when he's angry.

"I- I...W-We-" I started shaking even more. I couldn't breathe. The voices in my head had started coming back after long, hard years.
"Vic chill, she's having a panic attack." Mike shade while trying to grab me, but he was too slow. I fell to the floor, everything came out as a blur. I couldn't hear anything around me. But then everything stopped. And all I saw was black.

Vic Fuentes' DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now