Chapter 1

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"Queen Clarion, you can't have yellow carnations at your wedding! It's not a good look!"

"Queen Clarion, the dress you've chosen for your wedding day was caught in the weaver! I'm afraid you'll have to wear what we chose for you instead!"

"Queen Clarion, the preparations for spring are behind schedule! The thistles were let loose again! We will have to wait several days to regain our flow in production due to the tinkers' strike and their refusal to fix the broken machinery!"

"Queen Clarion, is the union between you and Lord Milori necessary? I don't see the big kerfuffle over a title. We were fine without the marriage!"

Queen Clarion. Queen Clarion. Queen Clarion.

"Clarion? Clarion, are you alright?" Lord Milori walked into the fairy queen's room with a gentle knock. He was a tall and muscular man with silver hair and a teal leaf suit. He had overheard the warm fairies speak of the queen's absence today and had gone to reassure himself and the ministers that she was alright. As he stepped into the room, and looked around it for her he spotted her at her desk. She sat on her chair staring blankly at the wall in front of her.

When he had walked in, she jumped at the sound of his voice and looked over at him. She gave him a curt nod and turned back to her desk, bending back over it to continue the work that had momentarily been forgotten.

Milori made his way toward her. The room had an orange glow to it as pixie dust flowed through the nooks and crannies of the tree they were inside of. It lined the wooden frame of the book cases carved into the walls and led into a swirl on the floor that lay in the room's center. To his left was a spiral staircase leading up to the queen's bed chambers, and to his lover's right a large oval window which let natural sunlight flood into the room giving it a peaceful atmosphere. The queen was hunched over her desk in front of him. She seemed unfocused. Continuously looking up from her work and at the wall in front of her.

Her auburn hair was let down and it cascaded over her shoulders to the middle of her back. Her large, golden wings were folded over; the bright golden glow that usually encompassed her was dim.

Lord Milori kneeled next to her, his pale hand resting on a tanned shoulder, "My love. You seem upset. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm only tired."

"Why not go upstairs? Take a break."

The queen shook her head. She hunched herself over on the desk even more and held her head. Milori rubbed her back gently, "It's alright. You've done what you can today. Work isn't going anywhere."

She looked up at him, her blue eyes meeting his brown ones. He saw the tip of her nose turn red and her cheeks mimic the shade a moment later. He held her close and caressed her hair. She began to cry into his chest as he continued, "Milori. I want to. I really do, but the fairies-"

"Will be fine, Clarion. You need to look after yourself," Milori gently pushed her off, keeping his hands on her shoulders. "Go to Never Peak. Stay there for two days. Clear your head. Relax. When you come back, Pixie Hollow will still be waiting for you as you left it."

She looked up at him. How could someone so imposing look so gentle at the same time. He gave her a warm smile and his eyes were reassuring. She returned the smile and reached up to him. They shared a tender kiss on the lips and parted.

The fairy's glow returned to its usual splendor and her wings lifted to reveal the dust flowing through them again. Her golden dress, which had looked brown before this, also regained its shimmer and color.

"Are you sure? I can't leave now. Especially not with Janet coming to visit soon and the delay with spring and the wedding-"

He kissed her again. When they pulled away for the second time he said, "I'll look after everything. Besides, it's only two days. What harm is a break?"

"It wouldn't be right-"

"For you, I'd start a war. Please, all this stress isn't healthy. I promise. Two days away and you'll feel like a brand new fairy."

He pecked the tip of her nose and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled, resting her hands over his chest, "How did I get so lucky to have you?"

Milori tilted his head, "The same way I was lucky enough to find you. Come. I'll help you pack and I'll take you myself. That way you have two less things to worry about today."

Their hands intertwined and he walked her up the stairs.

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