Chapter 12-Ghostly frustration

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Now that you know why I'm not able to sleep anymore, I will talk you through what happens after this experience and how awful my life gets from this point ..

It's been around about 2 weeks since everything happened and it carries on happening now, but a lot worse. Some of them actually talk to me, also I'm able to feel them, they can touch me which feels horrible and I can feel myself slowly going insane .. It was creepy enough when they smiled at me or screamed let alone spoke or touched me .. My mum thought it'd be a good idea to send me to be checked by a doctor to try figure out what was wrong with me as she couldn't make any sense of it. I didn't want to but if it put her mind to rest then I'll do it just for her.
We arrived at the doctors and after an hour of talking about everything, they couldn't help me in anyway nor prescribe me anything so they decided for my own safety and the safety of my family to send my to an Asylum to do tests and keep an eye on me.

* * *

After being in the Asylum for a day and finally starting to settle in to what I now have to call home for the next few days, it was now around 6pm .. Things started to get weird .. Very weird ..

"Indigo .." A male voice spoke. I looked up to see a boy, he had brown hair and no eyes like they had been gauged out also had a few scratches under his left eye. He was deathly skinny to the point he looked like a skeleton and was quite tall, his t-shirt was ripped down the front and his organs were hanging out of what may have been an operation gone wrong or he might have been a murder victim ..

"Why don't you fear us anymore Indigo? It's getting very difficult to scare you and is starting to frustrate me .." He asked frowning at me as he was squishing what looked like a heart in his hand with blood dripping down his hand and off of his arm onto the floor staining it.

"You can't hurt me, you're just my imagination! Aw what a shame, I'm glad it frustrates you! Now can you fuck off and leave me alone .."

He chucked the heart down in front of where I was sitting, moved slightly closer and grabbed me round the throat. "What crap has the doctors been filling your head with?" He laughed "You and the doctors are very wrong you silly bitch, I could hurt you if I wanted to! If you want to believe I'm just your 'imagination' go ahead, I won't judge you but it will get you killed. I'm not going anywhere any time soon." He slightly loosened his grip and I wheezed as I got my breathe back.

"You being real .. Is impossible. You look dead .. You're .. Dead .." I gasped out.

He laughed, let go of my throat completely and sat down in front of me. "If I was you, I'd be trying my best to get away from me right now but then again .. I can be nice when I really try, I may need to keep you around a bit longer, you're fun to play with."

"I'm not scared of you, there is nothing you can say or do to change that. Do what you want, see if I care."

He leaned in closer with his face inches from mine, but frowned when I didn't flinch. "When I kill you .. It will be very real and not just in your mind Indigo." He said as he tapped my head. "I will put you out of your misery ya little bitch."

"Why? What have I done that's so bad I need to be killed?" I shakily said. "Also how do you know my name? how do you even know me?!"

"Why?" he laughed, the sound echoing through the room. "Because, Indigo, It's for your own good .. I wanna help you, Don't you remember your 'dream'?!" he pinned me to the floor his blood staining my clothes, his bloody hands gripping around my wrists tightly, I froze as he was leaning over me. "You'll understand when you meet me in person, I'll explain everything .. Maybe but for now sleep tight and don't let the dead bite. I'll see you later." He laughed as he disappeared and I slowly sat up looking around the room.

I kept going through the conversation that we'd just had and couldn't make any sense of it. The doctors came in to give me my dinner but after what had just happened I really didn't feel like eating so pushed it away closer to the door out of sight. I went back to drawing to take my mind off of things.

Later that night after I had finished my beautiful masterpiece drawing on the wall, I turned at the sound of a female voice. "Indigo someone's here to see you." A doctors walked in with a boy and then slowly left the room locking it behind her.

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