Chapter 11-Reality

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I woke up crying. I went to get up and noticed that I wasn't in my bedroom. I was in hospital? I looked around the empty room and tried to figure out why I was here, I looked at my arm to notice it was in a cast, I was confused to why but remembered my 'dream'. I went to get out of bed and fell to the floor in pain. I slowly move to a kneeling position and I lifted up my top to reveal my stomach was stitched up the right side of my stomach not far from my bellybutton. I eased myself up, trying to ignore the agonising pain and hesitantly I moved towards the mirror in front of me to be disgusted by myself, tears fell from my eyes. They burned as they went down my cheeks. I had a massive cut from under my eye all the way down my cheek to my chin. I hated what I saw and I punched the mirror shattering it to pieces. I had a sickly feeling in my gut so quickly I got up and ran to the bathroom ignoring the amount of pain I was in.

After I had been sick I slowly moved to get up from the floor and stepped back in shock. The toilet was full of blood .. My blood .. The smell was putrid and so strong that I started to feel faint. I could still taste the sick in my mouth so I got water from the sink and splashed some over my face, hoping I was just in another dream but it seemed very real .. I went to the toilet to flush it but was mortified that the blood was gone, I quickly flushed the toilet and went back to my bed. Every step I took was agonising but I just had to forget about it, I needed to get back to my bed at least. I sat on my bed with my head in my hands just crying my eyes out thinking of everything that had happened of the past few weeks. Why is this happening to me? What have I done to deserve this .. I sat thinking for a few minutes before I heard a knock on my door, I quickly wiped my eyes as my sister burst through the door.

"Indigo!" Violet screamed as she jumped onto me. I cried in pain, so she panicked and suddenly got off of me. "I'm so sorry" she said cover her mouth.

"It's fine." I tried to laugh off the pain.

For an hour and a half, I had sat with Violet explaining everything in as much detail as I could about what I was feeling and seeing, even about the dreams, but I feel as if she's still a little bit confused. She didn't seem to understand any of it, nor did she want to but I don't blame her, neither do I .. It helps knowing I can talk to her about anything though, I don't know why I didn't tell her sooner but in all honesty I don't think I've ever been this scared of anything in my life.

From that night onwards I haven't slept .. I've tried but it terrifies me, even just closing my eyes scares me, I don't know how much longer I can go through this but I'm doing my best, I can't give up, my family need me.

For about a week after these events my sister had helped me a lot, she was doing her best .. Which I definitely appreciate but not only was my life in danger, it was putting her at risk too ..

* * *

"Why won't you ever fucking listen to me Indigo?! I'm trying to help you, stop pushing me away!" Violet screamed.

"I don't need your help, I never have and I never will!" As soon as those words left my mouth I instantly regretted it but it was for her own good .. I'd rather she be mad with me instead of dead because of me.

And that .. Was my way of saving my sister .. I can't tell her why I did it, at least not yet ..

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