Chapter 5-Not my day

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A few days flew by and it was now Thursday, it was a sunny day so me, Violet, Jeff, Ben and Aurora were all hanging out on the field. We were the only ones of are friends still in the school after people dropping out. They never said why they were dropping out or where they were going. They just vanished over the weekend without even saying goodbye. I haven't seen or heard from any of them since Friday, its almost been a week since we had seen them. I do kind of miss them but I can't make them come back. I zoned back into reality to see Jeff and Ben arguing, more than likely about something stupid. "Jeff just face it your wrong!" Ben screamed.

"No .. You need to understand that you're wrong and just plain stupid!"

"guys what are you arguing about now?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Jeff's being butt hurt because I am right that our friends didn't just drop out, aliens took them!" Ben shot a death look over to Jeff and Jeff returned a middle finger.

"Ben .. Aliens aren't real. Can you just drop it."

"Ha! Told you!" Jeff laughed.

"Fuck you! I've seen them, you don't know fuck all!" Ben shouted angrily.

Throughout the whole argument Aurora had been laughing by now her make-up had started running down her cheeks.

"So anyways what's everyone up to on Saturday, I was wondering if you lot all want to meet up?" I quickly changed the subject before they rip each others throats out.

Ben glared at Jeff making Jeff laugh. They all looked at me. "Yeah, sure" everyone answered.

"Okay I'll message you all what's happening. I just have to go give my homework in quick but I'll see you in history" I hopped up from the grass and left to find Ms. Steely. I walked in to the school building and the hallways were nearly empty except for the few people that were sat in the corners. As I walked the hall I could feel people staring at me. I found the room where my maths class is and opened the door, I quickly went in and put my work on her desk. I turned to look at what work people might have been doing on the board when I paused in my tracks. As I look at his rotten body hanging there in shock, I slowly move towards him. When I started to get closer the bell for the end of lunch rang loudly through my ears making me jump, I covered my ears and winced at how loud it was. When the bell finished I noticed that his body had vanished as if it was never there. I panic and turn around to see that the classroom was completely empty. I wiped my eyes and quickly ran to the library where my lesson was being held for history. I got there out of breathe and pale as a ghost but persisted that I was fine. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I really need to stop this behaviour and stop being childish... I tried to empty my mind and just to concentrate on my work so I wouldn't have been told off for the second time today.

I hadn't felt well since the event that had happened not so long ago but as I was walking down the stairs from the library, I suddenly felt really weak and collapse. As I tumbled down the stairs I felt a sharp pain in my head, the last thing I saw was a guy around my age at the top of the stairs and then my vision went black..

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