Chapter 3- Answers

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A week had past by with me and Violet stuck the same routine as we always have for school. My alarm wakes me up and then I get Violet up. We get ready and catch the bus. We met Aurora at the bus stop like normal and waited with her until the bus finally arrived. "So how are you two? Aurora asked politely.

"Good thanks, you?" We answered simultaneously.

"Okay that was a bit creepy haha but I'm fine, thank you." Aurora smiled as she replied.

When we arrived at school we were a little later than usual and got there just as the bell rang for first lesson. So me and Aurora rushed off to travel and tourism while Violet separated and went to History. We got there a minute late which the teacher let slide and rushed to our seats.

Today was really difficult to concentrate, no clue why but I just can't seem to focus .. Finally it was last lesson ..

As I was deep in thought Aurora nudged my arm, making my arm fall from supporting my head to get my attention.

"What's the real reason you moved here, I'm curious." Aurora whispered.

"Well I was bullied in my old school, so my family moved and also the part about my step-dads job is true."

"So why didn't you just tell me that?"

"I didn't want things to be the same .. I wanted a new start."

"I understand, I haven't been here too long myself, same issue." Aurora said. "Indigo I don't know if you've noticed but it's your sister we find weird, not you."

"I see .. That sucks and really? But .. She's always been the popular one .."

"She may be popular but you and her are nothing alike, hence why you wont fit in the same group of friends."

"That makes sense, but is it weird that I .." Before I could finish what I was about to say the school bell went. "I'm sorry Indigo, I cant be late home, I'll see you later." And before I could say anything else Aurora had vanished ..

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