Chapter 2 - first day

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Today is are first day of school, waking up at 6 every morning is going to kill me but I need it to work out here I don't want to mess it up again for the family. I slowly turn off my alarm and throw my pillow at Violet after a few seconds she just looked up and did not look impressed with me so I giggled to myself. As I drag myself out of my warm and comfy bed, I slowly dawdle to the wardrobe and took out mine and Violets uniform. I threw Violet her uniform and we both went to our bathrooms to get ready. After we had done our make-up and had breakfast we quickly finish getting ready and rush to the bus stop as I had made us late.

We got there just in time as the bus slowly pulled up at the stop to let people on so they can get to where they needed to be. As everyone crammed in to the bus, the seats were now full of posh, self adsorbed idiots that think about nothing but themselves. I cannot help but worry things will end up how they were at my old school .. But luckily I have my sister here to help try keep me from worrying .. As I was drifting to thought something caught my attention.

All of a sudden a mysterious looking girl started to appeared through the fog towards the bus. As she entered the bus, she looked around for an open seat. She spotted the seat in front of us was free and didn't hesitate to sit there. I was slightly confused as no one would sit there before her ..

When we entered the school, it was huge and I will more than likely get lost. Me and Violet just looked around wondering where we should go. Someone approached us "hello, my name Is Ben and you are Indigo and Violet. Am I right?" Ben said questionably.

"And what do you want?" I answered rudely.

"Excuse my sister for being a bitch" Violet said as she shot daggers my way.

"Haha well I have been sent by the head to show you two beautiful ladies around." Ben said charmingly or so he thought. We both laughed but Ben seemed to take no notice and gesture for us to follow him so we did. He was around 5ft 8 and had blonde hair. He was wearing black contacts so it seemed as if he had no eyes.

It had taken half if the day for us to be shown all the way around of the school, I can tell we're going to enjoy it here even though this school felt a bit strange. We met some of Bens friends but were never fully introduced to them by names. They all know our names but we don't know theirs. After lunch Ben got one of his friends to show me to Physics and Ben took Violet to Art considering he was going to that lesson as well. The guy that Ben had sent to show me where my lesson was about 5ft 10ish, has black hair swept to the side and baby blue eyes. He's definitely a guy no one would want to mess with. As he approached me he smiled. "I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself, I'm Jeff." He said grinning.

"Well you know who I am, so I don't need to tell you my name." I said sarcastically. "Very true haha." Jeff said laughing a little. "So what brought you here then."

"Lets just say things didn't go well at my old school and we had to move."

"Ah seems that I have some competition. " Jeff said jokingly.
"Haha funny, well to be honest I'm quite surprised that any of you would want to be near me." I said awkwardly.

"and why do you say that?"

"I don't get on with people very well and most avoid me anyway."

"Well there's something different about you, me and my friends like you because you seem different to everyone else. You just have a strange feeling about you but your sister makes us a little uncomfortable, she's not the sort of person we'd with socialise with but she is your sister .. So we'll tolerate her for now." Jeff said honestly then opened a door for me. "Well here's physics, I will catch you later" Jeff turned and started to walk away. "Thank you, see you later."

I entered physics and the teacher introduced me to the class. "Everyone this is Indigo, she just started today so I'd like you all to make her feel welcome." Mr Zeping said in a posh voice. "Indigo, you can work with Aurora." Mr Zeping pointed over to a free seat next to the girl I swear I'd seen before. I walked over and sat down next to Aurora, she has shoulder length black hair, dark brown eyes and is stick thin. She doesn't look like the posh type like most of the people here. I got out the things I needed out of my bag and dumped my bag under the table. I looked around the room and kept getting strange looks off of people. "So your new here." Aurora said out of no where.

"Yeah just moved here a few days ago."

"Oh .. How come?"

"My step dad got promoted to the hospital here."

"Really? not what I've heard."

"Girls stop talking and pay attention! " Mr Zeping shouted. Turning back to the work we started to write everything down that we had missed. I must of zoned out for half it because I can't remember half of what the lesson was about. The bell went and everyone hurried out of the classroom and found Violet with the group. The rest of the day quickly passed by and before we knew it, it was time to go home..

Been so inactive I'm sorry 🙈

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