Chapter 10-Dream

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I could feel someone's eyes staring right at me, the feeling was sickening I could feel the sick rising up to the back of my throat. I swallowed hard to stop myself from throwing up. In the shadows I could see a outline of someone's figure and they slowly started to approach me. I tried to move but my arms and legs were strapped down to what felt like a metal table. "So Indigo" The figure spoke. "whether you want to believe this is happening or not that's okay, I wouldn't want to be in your situation either to be honest."

"Then why am I here for fuck sake." I spat viciously.

"Now, now be nice and watch the language, wouldn't want you to get hurt now would we?" I could see her grin grow wider. As she said that I felt a sharp pain shoot up my leg and the room started to spin slowly. "I have noticed that your 'imagination' has been playing tricks on you or is that just your guilty conscious."

"what are you talking about?"

"you know what you've done" as she said that a sharp sickening pain stabbed into my stomach and I cried in pain. "All of them innocent people you tortured and killed. Don't even lie to me and say it wasn't you! I think we should start the fun, don't you?" The figure laughed mysteriously.

I watched wearily as she pulled a tray of knives and equipment next to her side. "You need to feel the pain that you have gave to others." She said in an annoyed tone. "You killed my brother and Belle, how can you live with yourself?!" I felt a pin like pain in my arm and could feel the blood slowly dripping down my arm.

"I haven't killed anyone!"

"Don't you remember how shit you made my brother feel? You made him kill himself after you embarrassed him like that!" She stabbed down into my arm again. I winced in pain trying to move my arm. "He was horrible to me! I just needed to put him in his place. So he knew how I felt." She slapped me straight after I had said them words.

"Well maybe next time you'll learn to keep your mouth shut." The anger in her voice grew. "That car crash the other day, you caused it! You killed Belle and her new born baby." The figure slides the blade down my cheek where she had slapped me and forced the blade down into my flesh. I screamed in agony and tried to move my head but she grabbed my face and slowly moved the knife down my cheek.

"Everything in this town was fine until you got here, everyone was happy and now .. Everyone is too scared to leave their homes, scared to find out whether it is their day to die or not! My family is slowly falling apart after what you have done and you don't even care!" When she spoke it was obvious that she was now crying.

"Your not the only one suffering! Everyday is living hell for me just to leave my room, scared that I'm going to imagine something else. I didn't mean to make your brother do that, Belle and her baby would be alive if my imagination wasn't playing tricks on me!" I scream as she broke my right arm.

"Its not your imagination, you're seeing people that have died, either because of you or you knew them!" Once she had finished that sentence I felt a sharp pain through my stomach and legs. The room started to spin and I couldn't hear anything. Everything went black.

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