Chapter 9 - Strange day

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The next few days had school felt weird and every now and then I would zone out and see something in my imagination that freaked me out then forgetting where I was. In the morning when I had zoned out in English I had seen a little girl crying in the corner near the door, she seemed about 8 years old and was drenched in blood to the extent of being able to smell it. Throughout the day I would randomly get a smell of rotting flesh and old perfumes. Also things got a little unsettling in school... Things would go missing, people randomly got hurt, half of my friends dropped out of school, disappearing with no trace and everyone just always seemed so unsettled. I couldn't concentrate at all in school, my imagination the past few days has been so active that I've came so closed to death just crossing the road yesterday on the way home. I had imagined that a little kid was playing with a ball and it had rolled out into the road so as I went to get it, the ball had disappeared and a car came zooming towards me.

I froze in horror and was snapped out of it by hearing two cars crash into one another. I shakily got my phone out of my pocket quickly and called for help.
When the ambulance and fire engines got there I went home because I now knew that police would be on there way. I knew they needed to question me but .. How was I going to explain what I keep seeing?

I got home and said hello to everyone. I had grew on the fact that mum was having a baby but I just wish it wasn't with .. That .. But I can't change that.

I lazily walked up stairs went into my bathroom to get changed and took off my make-up. As I turned round to leave there was a cot in the way of the door, I hesitantly walked towards it and slowly looked down into it, I gagged at the site and had to cover my mouth. There was a baby with parts of it's flesh missing and looked as if had been bathed in bleach, the baby mustn't have been very old, I'd say a few months at the most. I shot round to the toilet and threw up, as I got up, went to the sink to wash my face and then hesitantly turned around to nothing being there ..

I exited the bathroom and got into bed, as I lay there I looked over to Violets bed to see a cat at the bottom of her bed .. But .. We don't have a cat? I shook my head and tried to ignore it, I turned away and closed my eyes, after a minute or so I felt something jump onto my bed, thinking it was just the cat I turned back around to be face to face with a child, their face inches from mine .. I jumped and went to scream but he quickly lifted his arm and put his hand over my mouth then put up a finger to his lips signalling for me to be quiet. He removed his hand from my mouth, as he did I could feel where he had left blood on my face from his bloody hand. I froze, I didn't have a clue what to do, he just stared at me .. Not moving .. It felt like hours until he got out a note from his pocket put it in my hand and slowly crawled off of my bed, dragging himself by his arms, his legs were missing and he left a trail of blood as he went and disappeared until Violets bed .. I looked around the room and there was no sign of the cat anywhere .. I quickly got off my bed, grabbed a torch and looked under Violets bed .. No sign of the boy .. I opened the note and just started at it .. "Sweet dreams" I put it in the bin and got back into bed, wiped my eyes and put my earphones in trying to forget what had just happened. Not long later I fell into a dream.

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