Chapter 1 - My life

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This mess all started with me never being able to sleep... No matter what I tried no doctors could help me so Ive got use to lack of sleep, but so you understand me a bit more, let me go back a few months and explain a bit more about myself.
My name is Indigo, I was bullied severely and would get into fights regularly, but I guess thats normal for someone whos as weird as me, right? People were never fond of me, I was one of the quiet ones' at the back of the class and disappeared from school with out students and even the teachers noticing .. The only reasons I can think of that people wouldnt like me is because of how dark I appear, maybe I make them uncomfortable? My only friend was my twin sister Violet, she has long blonde hair and green eyes. Shes very girly and popular but she accepts me for who I am.

We moved not only because of my problems but because my step-dad got promoted to a bigger hospital. To be completely honest Ive never liked him, he tries so hard to replace my dad but no matter what it isn't going to happen .. My step-dad Is 6ft, has green eyes and dark brown hair. He always wears smart casual expensive clothing but cant afford to buy me school supplies or new clothes? He earns a lot of money .. So I don't see the problem ..The thing I hate most about him is his personality. Hes a selfish, greedy, a control freak and everything has to be done his way or hell get angry. My mum, shes 5ft 6, blonde long hair thats naturally curly and beautiful ocean blue eyes. She wears expensive clothing that Daniel buys her, which in my opinion makes her look a little bit like a gold digger .. My mum modals all around Europe so we hardly get to spend family time together and even if we did it doesn't end well because of that prick. Shes a kind, gentle, caring and generous woman but I still cant figure out why she would want to be with someone like Daniel .. Honestly I don't think she loves him and honestly if she does .. She's definitely not thinking properly.

When we arrived at the new house we just looked in amazement, this is the first time we had seen the house not on a picture. It was quite big, its a three story house with 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The kitchen was astonishing to look at, it had plenty of room for people to move about in. The garden was a bit ruined so are parents told us not to go out there but wouldnt explain why.

"Indigo!" Daniel screamed up the stairs. I replied with a bit of a confused "what?"

"You two start your new school in two days, make sure you have everything you need and your bus will leave at 7am. Make sure you dont miss it!"

"Okay" I said annoyed.

As I start to get ready for bed I sling my long black hair up into a pony tail and lazily changed into a strap top and pyjama bottoms. I get into bed and see that I have a text from an unknown number. I opened up the message to be shocked by the words written .. "I can see you" I frantically clicked off of the text and quickly looked around my room only to see my sister. I lay down trying to calm my nerves and just thinking that it was someone just playing games. After reassuring myself that it didnt mean anything I slowly sunk into a deep sleep..

Nightmares become realityUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum