Chapter 8-Secrets

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Jeff quickly ran in with a sandwich in hand to see what was going on.
"You made a sandwich..?" Aurora laughed.

"Yeah .. Sorry, I got hungry."

"No worries."

"Indigo? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.." Jeff questioned.

"Yeah I'm fine, thank you for having me Aurora but I really must get going.."

Aurora showed me and Jeff to the door and let us out, after saying goodbye we all parted and made our way home.

When I finally got home I went up stairs to get changed, as I lazily walked up the stairs I got a text but I ignored it for now. I got changed into a black strap top and black leggings. Before I left my bedroom I quickly grabbed my jacket and checked my phone. I had yet another text from the unknown number. "You can't hide the secret forever Indigo!" as I read the words my heart dropped I decided to text back this time. "What do you want from me and who is this?"
My phone dinged as I received a new message. "Don't play stupid, I want vengeance for what you've done! Indigo you know who this is."
I threw my phone at the wall causing it to smash. "Indigo your foods ready!" Daniel shouted.

"On my way."

I looked at my phone where it had landed on the floor, then quickly left my bedroom to be face to face with what I hoped was my imagination. A male not to much older than myself and was about my height. He had black messy hair and his eyes were completely white. I was confused not to see any blood, but his skin was deadly white and he looked so grotesque. It felt as if he was staring straight into my soul. My heart sank as he smiled at me then I noticed the rope like burns on his neck. I was shocked and froze. He started laughing. The laugh was very baby like, but slowly grew more terrifying. As the laugh got louder it slowly turned into a ear piercing scream. I covered my ears but it still rang through my head. I ran past him down the hallway and stumbled down the stairs desperately in attempt just to get away. To be stopped dead in my tracks by my mum. I screamed as I bumped into her and she screamed too.

"Honey I was just coming to get you, your dinners going cold. Are you okay?" Mum asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I smiled and my mum returned on, slowly nudging me to the kitchen.

"Mum I know this is random but is there any family me and Violet don't know about? Brother? Cousin?" as I asked this question mum quickly got up from the table and tried to changed the subject. "Would you like any more bread?" she asked as she put a plate of bread on the table.
"Mum." I said impatiently.

"Okay." She sighed. "You had a brother but sadly when I gave birth to you three, there was a chance one of you wouldn't survive. They did everything to try make sure you all survived but your brother didn't make it."
"I'm so sorry mum." I glanced over at Violet to see she had a tear in her eyes. Images of the boy in the hallway flashed into my mind. My thoughts were interrupted by my mums voice.

"I suppose you had to find out one day, but anyways me and Daniel have some good news to take your minds off of it." At these words me and Violet looked up in worry of what was about to be said next. "We're expecting a baby."

After them words being said I stormed out of the kitchen and up to my room. My thoughts were going wild. Why would she do that to us! He wouldn't capable with a new born baby! So our brother means nothing? She wants to pretend like he never existed?! I thought myself on to into my bed with my head in my pillow. Not wanting to think about it anymore, I drowned out my thoughts with music and slowly fell asleep.

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