I wondered if Samantha knew what kind of sister she had. It was possible that Samantha had no idea how Nathan was pulled into this, or even that Nathan was with me when it happened, or even with me in general.

"Ok so what did you need?" I was getting mad, she was blind to the whole situation.

"I want you to take a genetics test," she replied cooly and bluntly as she glared toward Nathan.

Glancing to Nathan his face was emotionless, robotic. Then he agreed, he didn't have to but he was going to prove that this child was his. I didn't want him to, I didn't want him to make it public that the child was definitely his. As his friend and past personal assistant I wanted to tell him not to, and that he could still leave Melissa but as an adult I knew that this wasn't right.


I wanted to say that, but it was based off jealousy. I wanted to use my feelings as an ultimatum but I was not his lover and nor was it logically sound. The truth was hard to accept but it had to be accepted.

"I need a swab of your saliva and I will get one from Melissa. Meanwhile I ask you to act as if this never happened," Samantha stood straight and waited for Nathan to agree.

He did nothing and said nothing, but I guess Samantha took that as a "yes" and thereafter she took leave and we were left alone.

Nathan didn't even look to me. The door was shut and I glanced at it imagining myself leave, but that is being a coward and running away from my problems like I always did.

Watching him continue eating like nothing happened pissed me off, even if he didn't intend to do any of this, but like I said before. I was in love, or so I thought. Who knew what love even was?

It was time for me to grow some balls and start acting more like my father's daughter. I wasn't a Cunningham but I was a Bloom and it was my time to finally blossom and speak up.

"Nathan," I tried containing my anger and emotions. I walked back to the couch but didn't take a seat.

"Look Madeline-"

"You've got to be kidding me," I began.

"What," he turned to me. I had caught his attention.

"You don't understand do you?"

"Madeline I know my place and it's time for you to know yours. Stop trying to be my friend or play house, I'm not your friend nor little boyfriend, mind your own matters," his eyes were heavy and he was now displaying emotions with me unlike the previous conversion with Samantha.

"Wow, that's pretty douchey, I'm here. Do you see anyone else here?! No! It's only me. So before you talk about friendship and house, step back and look at your situation. YOU need friends, I have plenty."

"So now what? What else do you want from me Madeline, spare me the lecture and come out with it. Do you want me to say 'I love you' and leave Melissa with my child?! I'm sure that's just plain perfect for you, right?"

I scoff and step back,"You just don't get it do you," my eyes begin to water and my voice cracks, "Did you know that you didn't even fight. You didn't fight for us. Isn't that funny how you fight for the family you despise but for me... You didn't even fight. How can you not see that I'm sadly, depressingly and embarrassingly in love with you, the man having a child with the supermodel girlfriend. I don't even stand a chance, but I'm here... Fighting. I'm all yours... yet you don't even try."

I cry a bit as Nathan watches me, fixated on my tears and face. "I-I can't even breathe when I'm with you, but I'm still here, I'm here as your friend-whatever, and even when I give you my heart you can't even give me a straight answer."

"I did."

"What," I wipe my tears.

"I did give you a straight answer," Nathan rises, "You think I'm in love with this situation? No! I hate it! But I'm trying to be a man and be there for the child. My child. This complete situation is BULLSHIT! Do you think I want to be 'just friends' with you? I gave you the appropriate response, and sometimes what you need is not what you want. So I don't fight, but that's because it's already a lost cause, I made my decision and now it's time for you to make yours," Nathan glares at me as I tighten my lips to keep from crying. He shakes his head disapprovingly and leaves. "I don't want the sushi, take it."

I stand in the living room, alone. As I hear a door slam my body jolts and soon I cry into my hands. My hair falls over my face and I sniffle.

Where did my youth go?


✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾

A/N    So this was totally last minute and off the top of my head no filter. SO PLEASE MAKE AWARE IF IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. I appreciate feedback and hearing/seeing what you all have to say. I was listening to song above during the ending and I got really into it. Currently I'm listening to Chasing Cars. How was that? Please vote/comment/share. I love seeing comment and it makes my day 😊. But I would love especially to hear what you guys feel about this chapter. Thanks for your time and support!


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