Chapter 1: The Night Of A Lifetime... Or So I Thought

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It was a Friday afternoon, and I was getting all dolled up. Kind of. I put on my bright purple skinny jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt, my bright green high-tops, and my fake lip ring. I straightened my hair, and put on eyeliner and mascara. Then I grabbed my zebra-striped messenger bag. I put my zebra-striped wallet, my camera, a notebook, and my iPod in my bag. I put my iPhone in my left back pocket, and I walked out the door to my bright red convertible Mercedes.

I put the key in the ignition, and went to Bobby's house. We were going to see a concert this evening. At 7 o'clock, at Lifestyles Pavilion, Black Veil Brides was playing. I begged Bobby to go with me. He had to drop some event to come. I was super grateful!

When I got to Bobby's house, I went up to the door and knocked. Mrs. Kelley answered, and didn't ask questions - she just called for Bobby, "Bobby! Ariana's here!!" Bobby ran down the stairs, looking normal for him, and we hopped in my car.

I raced to the pavilion, and we were there an hour early. Perfect. Time to try to meet Black Veil Brides. I was going to DIE if I got a hug from Andy. And Bobby knew this, of course. And he would do anything for me to meet Andy. No matter how much embarrassment it caused me.

Almost no one was here, so Bobby and I tried to get in. A large man dressed in black glared at us, "You can't come in here." Bobby pretended to be nice, "But here are our tickets..."

"Doesn't matter. It's too early."

"Oh..." I was no longer as excited. I wasn't going to meet Andy after all... Bobby and I walked away, back to where the metal gate was that let in the tour buses. I looked at the all black tour bus for Black Veil Brides longingly. I looked at the ground, and Bobby paced the sidewalk, thinking of a way to get me to meet Andy.

As I was moping, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Jinxx. I was surprised to see that he wasn't wearing any makeup except for a bit of eyeliner.

"Hey, Jinxx..."

"Hey, are you okay?"

"For the most part," I half-smiled, and Jinxx motioned for someone to come over here. Then Bobby ran at the gate, jumped on it as high as he could, and climbed over. I stood there in shock at Bobby's skills, and Jinxx was motioning over to us even more vigorously. Soon, another guy came over. His black hair glinted in the sunset. This guy was super tall! Quite a bit taller than Jinxx. Then I saw his amazing blue eyes. "What, Jinxx?" His amazingly deep voice rang out.

"Hey, you're tall. Help her over the fence. The bouncers won't let her in."

"Mkay," Andy seemed either nonchalant, or he was being a jerk. Weird thing is, he's not a jerk in his vlogs or fans' videos... That said, Andy stood on the very bottom bar of the gate to get a good angle, and I jumped into his arms. Andy caught me, and pulled me up over the gate. Once I was on the other side, he let go of me, letting me fall and twist my ankle.

"OW! JESUS!" I gave Andy an appalled look and shook my head. Bobby was NOT happy, to say the least, and I started limping. So Jinxx picked me up and carried me to their tour bus, "Sorry about Andy. He's a little... Not right, apparently... Let's get you all fixed up for the concert, uh..."

"Ariana. I'm Ariana. And that's Bobby," I smiled, "And don't worry about Andy. He's the frontman. All frontmen are divas. That's why they're the frontmen." I said that loud enough for Andy to hear it. I was so mad. My favourite person in the world was a total ass!

Jinxx, Bobby, and I all talked as Jinxx ripped up a shirt of Andy's to use as a bandage (as payback to Andy for being an ass to me). I also met CC, Jake, and Ash. The guys were all awesome!! They became new friends of mine! Just as close to me as Bobby, Olivia, and Ashley (Whybrew) were. So the 5 of us exchanged e-mail and phone numbers (and Bobby exchanged with them too).

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