Sapph stood knee deep in the water, shivering lightly. The seaweed tickled her ankles and it was disturbing her, "I-I can't..! The seaweed!"

"Sapphire. Baby. This is ridiculous. Your the queen of the Underworld. You shouldn't be afraid of a little seaweed. If anything, it should be afraid of you."

Bill trudged through the water, scooping up the smaller greenette, before marching back to the water.

Sapph whined and held on tightly, shaking her head, "B-Bill I don't wanna go out there! Please! T-There might be jellyfish!"

"Don't be ridiculous!"

He suddenly tossed her out into the water, making her squeal, "Bill--!"

It took her a moment, but Sapph arose from the water, sputtering and glaring at him from under her soaking bangs, "You're an asshole!"

"Your asshole~"

"Yes but that's beside the point!" She rung her hair out, marching out of the ocean and stumbling every few seconds as a wave crashed against her calves. Bill whined, wanting her to return.

"Okay, how about we work something out?"

"Like a deal?" He perked up.

"Exactly. I sit right here in the sand just close enough for the waves to hit me, and you can do whatever you want out there as long as I can see you. That way, I'm technically in the ocean, and we're both satisfied. Deal?"

"Hm." He thought for a moment. He hated to see her upset, so if he let her have this, she wouldn't be upset. "Deal."

Sapph's bright smile returned, making his insides flutter. Every time she smiled it made butterflies stir. It never got old.

She took her seat in the damp sand, inspecting it. There were tiny baby clams that got washed up with every wave, then burying themselves deep into the sand below her. She picked up a hand full of sand, placing a clam on top and watching it bury through, laughing when it repeatedly licked her hand.

Bill couldn't help but smile at her. He loved seeing her happy. It was all going well until he felt a sharp pain shoot up his leg and he flinched, crying out and beginning to thrash away from the water, "What the hell?!"

This caught his girlfriend's attention, making her set down the clams and stand up, "Bill..?"

The blonde glanced back. He saw the familiar bubble-like blob with its many tentacles trailing behind. Jellyfish. Of course. He limped out of the ocean, dropping down beside Sapph to show her.

The wound on his leg wasn't as bad as some could have been, but there was the clear print of every individual tentacle spread across his shin and calve.

"J-Jesus Bill..! I told you there would be jellyfish!"

"I know, I know! What the hell am I supposed to do about this?!"

"Hold on. I think our beach day is over. It's pretty late now anyways." Sapph looked around. "I'm going to get Juliet. Stay here. We're leaving."


"I'm not going to have to piss on it, am I?"


"... Are you?"

"No! I just have to rinse with vinegar and apply this seawater and baking soda paste." Sapph had Bill's leg draped over her lap while he sat back in pain against the couch arm. She had a bottle of vinegar and the paste in a bowl. She also had an ice pack and some pain relievers with a bottle of water. "I think you'll be fine after this."

He grumbled, resting his head in his hand, "Good... I'm never going swimming again. At least not in the ocean. I have infinite knowledge! I don't understand why I couldn't have seen that coming!"

"Accidents happen, Bill. It isn't anyone's fault."

"Except the jellyfish."

"He was just minding his business."

She flushed the wound for about thirty seconds with the vinegar before applying the paste. "Really I only need to do one of these things, but it helps to stay safe." She then handed him some pills and the water, "Take these, then hold the ice pack on your leg. You should be okay in a couple of days."

"Mm. Thanks." He gave her cheek a peck before taking the pain relievers, moving to hold the ice pack on the sting.

"Hey, it's that time again."

"Time for what..?"

"To dye my hair."


"Hot pink this time. C'mon."


Sapph was curled in Bill's arms, staring at the screen as they, coincidentally, watched Jaws.

"See? The ocean is monstrous."

"He's just hungry. He has a big appetite. Like me! I eat people. Am I monstrous?" She asked in a sing-song voice, twirling her now hot pink hair around her finger.

"Absolutely not. You're a beautiful demoness that stole my heart. Well, if I had one." He chuckled, kissing her forehead and making her giggle.

That's when the phone rang.

It startled Sapph for a moment before she looked to the phone on the coffee table. She huffed, grabbing it and answering, "Hello?"

"Sapphie. I saw you at the beach today. Who were you with?"


"You're trying to get rid of me again? How embarrassing. I thought you were really starting to like me. You know, your fiancée."


"I'm coming over. You're coming home with me and we're getting married. I'm tired of sitting on my ass waiting for you to show up. And tell that blonde bitch of yours that he's getting my foot shoved so far up his ass he'll be singing soprano for the next fifty years. Be ready when I get there. I'm not waiting anymore."

".. Esperanza..."

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now