Part 22: The End 2/2

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Esperanza held up her end of the deal. The next time she got up, her body was possessed by Bill.

Bill was able to sign the documents with his vessel, and thus made their marriage official. Esperanza, again, promised to leave them alone and pursue something else rather than try to be the new queen of the Underworld. And with a quick apology, she left, and Sapphire never saw her again.

She opened a portal back up and scooped up Bill's now dead body, and tossed it through. Then she grabbed Juliet's still-unconscious body. She turned to thank Rubi for all of her help, to which the smaller demoness said it wasn't a problem. Sapphire, the unconscious Juliet, and her mind-bound Bill left through the portal to return home.


"I wonder when she's gonna wake up..."

"It shouldn't be too much longer. It's already been a while. I think she had a rather hard hit to the head."

"It's surprising that knocked her out, considering she has such a thick skull!"

"Haha! I wouldn't let her hear that. She might punch you."

Sapph and Bill watched Juliet from her spot in her bed. The girl had insisted that they recheck her sister to make sure she was still breathing, to which he obliged but tried to tell her it wasn't required.

Then, the younger twin began to stir, causing Sapph to drop down beside the bed and match the height of her head. Juliet opened her eyes, only being able to see out of the one that wasn't white with blindness.

"Wha.. H-Hey! Where is she?! Where is Esp--?!" She sat up abruptly, but was grabbed by her elder sister and forced to lay back.

"C-Calm down! She's gone.. we took care of it. You did everything you could.. thank you."

"Did she hurt you?"

"No, thankfully."

Juliet was looking past Sapph curiously, then looked back worriedly, "Where's Bill?"

"She.. killed his body, but he's back in my Mindscape..."


"Don't dwell on it. I'll think of something. Get some rest; she hurt your head pretty bad."


"Et hanc vim meam, rogo ut mihi auxilium luciferi hoc carmen liceret corpus abiecit. sceleratus datum est. create huius corporis et animi transferre somnium esse darmonium habes!"

Sapphire spoke the words she spoke long ago that created Bill's body from scratch.

The wound that plagued the inside of this body's chest began to close up, and all scratches and bruises were being healed as well. She was thankful that this spell still worked.

She waited for a moment, patiently watching the unmoving body from its place on the floor.

Then, a finger twitched.

Sapphire leaned closer.

An eyebrow twitched. The corneas of the eyes moving underneath the eyelids.



The body raised itself from the floor, and upon opening its eyes, could be seen that Bill now safely inhabited this body once more.

Tears welling up in her eye, Sapph threw herself onto him, causing the both of them to fall back.

Bill let out a small oof, but glanced at her before hugging her back, petting her head as she cried silent tears.

"You're acting like I actually died."

"It felt like it.. having to see your body in such a state..."

Sapph pulled back long enough to wipe her tears. Curling up, she comfortably rested her head on his chest as the two lie on the floor, staring into nothingness.

Now that everything was over, what were they supposed to do? There was no longer a goal to work towards.  An obstacle to overcome. Nothing but their lives ahead of them.

Sapph especially had no idea what to do. All her life, she had struggled with trying to hide from Esperanza. To keep a job. To find a single place to live a normal life. Or at least, as normal as her life could get.

"Hey, Sapphie.. I gotta tell you something."

Things like that always made her nervous; those words. It snapped her out of her thought, "Y-Yeah..?"

"I've long since been as energized as I can get."


"Since, y'know, our first deal was that I could use your energy to get back on my feet? And in return I wasn't supposed to hurt anyone, and help you get your food supply. Our deal is complete."


"I have to admit to you.. I was thinking of leaving once I was energized again."

Her throat tightened. She wanted to ask him why, but nothing would come out.

Bill looked to the side as he spoke, only making her more worried about where this conversation was going. But when he looked back, he had a soft smile that always surprised her that he could even muster up.

"But then I thought.. what would be the point? I can't leave this boring place, and even if I did leave you, I would only be able to access people through their minds. I would be stuck in the Mindscape. And I wouldn't be able to bring this body with me, since you created it. How boring. Humans and this world."

She listened intently, grasping his jacket tight.

"If I have to be stuck here, I might as well spend it with you, right? Someone I love and can stand for more than just a couple years." He chuckled, making her blush.

"You really scared me there... I thought I was going to receive some bad news."

"My bad~"

They were quiet for a moment, just listening to the crickets outside chirp. Then Bill sat up, and made a small flick of his wrist and clenched his hand. Sapph sat up too.

He opened his palm, revealing to her a ring that would fit her finger just right. The band was silver and it was surrounded by beautiful crystals. And in the middle, an astonishing sapphire.

"If we're going to be married, you need a ring, right? A beautiful gem fitting for a beautiful princess." Bill slipped it onto her finger and it was a perfect fit.

She smiled, "I love it..."

He placed a kiss on her forehead, "It's late, and we've both had a long day. I know it isn't required, but maybe we should get some sleep."

"I couldn't agree more..."

With that, Bill stood, scooping Sapph into his arms bridal-style, and started to head up the stairs to their bedroom.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


There were still questions to be asked.

Perhaps, what about Sapphire's mother? Would she ever be able to get her back?

Or what of Esperanza? What was she doing now that her main goal had been compromised?

Or maybe, what about the Pines family? Would Bill ever run into them again and resolve any conflict?

Would Bill always stay this way, or revert back to his selfish, sociopathic ways?

Maybe, would these lovers ever consider a family together?

For now, these questions have no answer, only hypotheses.

Perhaps maybe they will be answered, but that will be saved for a different time.

The End.

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now