Part 13

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//Warning! This chapter has graphic sexual abuse in it! Read at your own risk!Thanks to @OwariHybrid for the idea! I tweaked it a bit--

It was finally the end of the week. Sapphire and Bill had been on a date every day, whether it be out, or simply staying at home.

Each time they spent the day together, Bill could feel himself growing closer to the greenette. And for once?

He didn't stop it.

He found himself loving her even more than before. Never had he felt this attached to someone, but boy did it feel nice.

Sapph felt the same. Even though he could be annoying and overly loud, Bill was also playful and loving, very thoughtful and loyal. Everything she had always thought him out not to be.

Tonight was the last date night of their date week. Today was a day at the local fair that had migrated it's way to Gravity Falls for the week. Sapph had suggested they visit it before it left.

The two walked hand in hand, the smaller girl's fingers enlaced with his.

Sapphire was wearing a simple blue summer dress, along with panty hose and flats. She also had a few bracelets and a necklace on. Her hair was slightly curled, but her eye still hidden as not to scare the townsfolk.

Bill was wearing a casual white t-shirt, and some faded jeans with regular red tennis shoes. Just something comfortable for the humid summer air. But he also still had his bow tie and hat. It looked a bit ridiculous, really. Not that he cared.

"What do you wanna do first? We can get some tickets and ride rides.. Look at the animals.. Grab a bite to eat first. At least for you." Sapph stared up at him, waiting for his reply as they entered the fair grounds.

"It's whatever you want to do." He started, then blushed faintly as his stomach began to growl, making his soon-to-be girlfriend giggle at him.

"You're definitely hungry. Let's go."

The couple headed to the food stands. They were actually quite packed, and it was hard to walk with all of the people. Nonetheless, they were going to get the food. Bill was absolutely starving now that it was apparent he was hungry. The said blonde whined at the length of the line, "Seriously? This is insane! I'm just going to move everyone myself--"

"No Bill. Be good. Just wait; these lines can go pretty fast." She stopped him.

He sighed, "Alright, fine. Do you want a water?"

"Yeah. A water. You get the food and I'll go grab us a table, yeah?"


With that, she headed off through the flocks of people to reach the picnic area.

It was extremely hard for a tiny girl like her to navigate though the crowd. Not once was she able to prevent herself from bumping into someone. But just as she was beginning to lose hope, she saw a glimpse of the picnic tables not too far off. She smiled, quickly starting off in that direction.

That is, until she felt her arm get grabbed by a strong gloved hand.

It came as a shock to her, causing her to help and spin quickly to meet the stranger who had the grip on her. The person had a hat on that cast a dark shadow upon their face, so it was useless trying to figure out who it was. Before she could say anything, the person spoke. He had a deep voice, but it was calm and seemed nonthreatening. It make her tension fade.

"Sorry if I scared you. You just seemed a bit lost. I saw you heading for the picnic area, and I wanted to tell you that all the tables were already taken. There's another area not too far that has more empty seats. I was just heading over there myself. Want to tag along?"

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now