Part 17

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Sapphire quickly hung up the phone, slamming it back onto the table to wear she was sure the plastic of the device could have cracked. She placed a hand over her mouth tightly, feeling her heard beating a mile a minute.

"That was Esperanza?" Bill sat up, ignoring the still burning jellyfish sting in his leg.

Even just hearing her name made Sapph's breath hitch and she started to sweat. Her head was pounding a mile a minute and she hadn't even noticed the tears beginning to pour from her eyes. It was Bill who adjusted himself to be able to turn her to him to stare at her.

"Sapphire. Listen to me. You're going to be okay. We're 'married', and she'll never know the difference. She'll have no reason left to stalk you like this when she finds out. Alright?" His stare was hard and focused.

The pinkette sniffled, wiping the tears from her eye. Yeah, he was right! It wouldn't be a big deal once Esperanza got here. They would tell her they were married, put on a good show that proved it, and she would leave. They would never have to worry about that demoness ever again.

"Y-You're right.. I'm sorry..."

"No, don't apologize." Bill wrapped her into a hug, letting her regain her composure in his arms.

They stayed like that for a while before Sapphire pulled back, smiling slightly as she wiped any stray tears, "I-I'm okay now.. I think. It'll all work itself out..."

"See? There we go." The blonde grinned, poking her in the side. "Told you~"

That only made her flinch and laugh, covering her side, "S-Stop that!"

"There's my Laughie Sapphie~"


"Your hair's gonna fall out, Sapph. This is the third time you've dyed it since I've been with you."

"I know, but.. Did you see how fast that pink was fading? It wasn't gonna last. At all."

"Whatever you say."

Sapph was bleaching her hair blonde now. It didn't take long for her to do it, but she did it. With Bill's supervision, too. Since she had pink before, it came out as a more strawberry blonde color than she wanted, but she could do it.

"What do you think?" She asked once she got out of the shower and dried herself and her hair off.

"Beautiful, as always~"

It had been a couple days since Sapphire had received Esperanza's phone call. They almost forgot she told them she was coming. Right now, they were making the best of what little time they had left before the encounter.

Sapph went to her closet to pick out an outfit. For once, she chose pants. Some yoga-like ones that hugged her legs closely, and a loose shirt that hung off her frame. Today she wanted it to be a lazy day, and Bill couldn't agree more with his injured leg.

She flopped onto their bed, sighing as she nuzzled into the pillow. Bill joined by her side, pulling her into his arms and starting to kiss her neck, humming.



"What are you doing..?"

"Loving you. As usual."

That only made the girl chuckle, arching her back and going to grab his hand as he kissed her neck, "You're a pro..."

But the sweet moment was short-lived when the two perked up at the sound of conversation. Sapph sat up, Bill doing the same. They listened quietly. It sounded like Juliet, but there was someone else there too.

The couple creeped to the bedroom door, peeking out of the crack go listen. Only it was silent now. Suddenly, the face of Juliet appeared in the hallway.

The distressed and anxious face of the younger sister was enough to tell her that the time was here. It was time to face her main problem.

Sapphire took a deep breath, then began to travel to Julie at the end of the hallway.

"She's here."

"I know."

The two travelled downstairs to the living room, and Bill trailed slightly behind them. When they got there, Sapph refused to look up at the doorway. That is, until the other spoke.

"Look at me, Sapphire."

She obeyed, and was met with the familiar face of none other than Esperanza herself. Her tanned skin, her electric green eyes narrowed at her, her magenta ponytail spiked and fierce. Her dark eyebrows furrowed and she bared a sharp-toothed grin.

"Miss me?"

//I am SO sorry that I haven't updated in forever and that this chapter is really short! The next ones won't be as short because Esperanza is here.

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now