Part 3

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"Gee, this place sure does have a pretty view..."

Sapphire was staring at the sunset that was now almost gone. The sky was all sorts of yellows, oranges, and pinks, even some purples. The clouds were still as puffy as ever just above the sun. It almost made a tear form in her one blue eye. But nonetheless, she turned her flashlight on, and started her journey through the more woodsy areas.

From her experience in other places, there was always something in the woods. Whether it be a cabin, strange animals, trails, or even just names carved on the trees, it never ceased to amuse the succubus. That was another reason why she was always so confused at herself.

Never did she ever act like a succubus was supposed to. Sure, she had the sex appeal, but she never used it to do harm to anyone. She mostly just kept to herself, unless she really wanted to get out there. But even then, she would make sure the partner was fully consenting and wanting to do it. Unlike most succubi as well, she never ate her partner afterwards. She was nice and kind-hearted. She was sensitive and soft. She was everything that a succubus wasn't supposed to be. At least, mentally. Her physical appearance completely fit in; curvy and busty. Just what humans like, right? That image of a perfect girl?

She didn't know, nor did she want to. For being Satan's stepdaughter, Sapphire really thought that she was a disappointment. There was no way that she could ever live up to being the technical princess of the Underworld. But she wasn't planning to anyways.

"Stop that..." She muttered to herself, brushing her fingers through her hair as she continued to stroll through the woods, having to dodge occasional branches from trees. "This is supposed to be fun, and you're making yourself upset again. Just look for something fun. Explore..!"

And that's exactly what she did.

Multiple times, the purplette tripped over rocks and twigs, was hit with branches, and had to jump over streams. But in the end, she was having fun, and was enjoying herself. That is, until her flashlight when out.


Sapphire rummaged around in her bag for some batteries, but she didn't have any. But luckily, she remembered that she had a flashlight on her phone. Silly Sapphie.

She sighed at her own stupidity, pulling her phone out and turning on the flashlight. She hadn't stopped walking while the first flashlight was out, so she was in a new area. This time, there was something peculiar that caught her eye.

She squinted, pointing the light in the direction of the object. She then began to approach it. It wasn't moving, and looked a bit gray from where she was at. Maybe it was a statue of sorts? That only made her more curious, stopping only a few feet away.

It was a stone triangle. It had one big eye just like her and a brick pattern at the bottom, a small top hat, a bow tie, and skinny arms that were held out to the sides. The legs couldn't be seen. From the looks of it, this figure had been there for a while. There was grass covering the bottom, a couple vines trailing up the sides, and some occasional moss.

"That's.. Weird..." Sapph muttered, bending down and taking a closer look. After a moment, she finally realized who it was. Thinking back to that article on Weirdmageddon, she had come to the conclusion that it was none other than the physical form of Bill Cipher. Or at least, what was his physical form. It didn't look like it could be made back into one again.

"That's.. Bill Cipher..!"


"It's so.. Strange..." Sapph muttered, running her hand over the stone. It was deathly cold. She felt weird touching what used to be the most powerful antagonist of this town, but she couldn't help it. It just astonished her so much. She grabbed the sides of the statue, wiggling it in attempts to loosen it from its current prison. But it was no use. Still, she kept pulling and pulling at the statue, whining softly, "C-C'mon, you stupid statue..! Get out..!"

"Hey toots, hands off the merchandise!"

Hearing that caused Sapph to freeze up. She quickly let go of the statue and spun around to face the owner of the voice. When she did, she noticed that her surroundings that once had color were being drained of it, and anything that was once moving had slowed to a stop. Floating right in front of her was none other than Bill Cipher himself.

Although, he looked a bit different than he had been described, and what his physical form looked like. He was no longer bright yellow, he was more dull. Like a grayish yellow. His top hat that floated above him had bent, and his tie looked loose. He had multiple cracks in his bottom brick pattern. His eye was no longer fully open and perky as it once was. He looked awful.


"Yeah yeah, I'm Bill Cipher, the founder of Weirdmageddon, blah blah. I've heard it all before." Bill answered tiredly, dismissing her with a wave of his hand. He seemed like he didn't give much care into what he did at the moment, or what he said.

She didn't blame him, though. It must have been pretty rough trying to take over the world, ultimately failing, and then being tricked and erased from someone's mind, only to be brought back in the worst state possible.

"This is the part where you start screaming, run to the townspeople, and tell them all about me, only to have them not believe you, and you move back out of the city again in fear that I'll come back and take over the world again!" The triangle waved his hands sarcastically, adjusting his bow tie afterwards.

Sapphire only blinked, before shaking her head, "I'm not scared of you, you know. I thought someone who claims they know and can see everything would know that."

"Not anymore! Ever since I was brought back with Stanley Pines's memories, there's a few abilities that I lost. That's one of them." He put his hands on his.. Hips?

She sighed as he started to list a few things that he could no longer do at the moment.

"Let's see..! I don't know everything anymore, I can't possess other's bodies anymore even with a deal, I can't use a lot of my magic, and--"

"O-Okay, I think I get it. You aren't the same guy you used to be." She stopped him, standing up.

He was quiet for a moment before he leaned in close, causing her cheeks to burn as she backed away from him, "W-What are you doing..?"

"You're Satan's little girl, aren't you?"

"N-Not by blood, but.. Wait, what's your point?"

He rubbed what would have been his chin, then opened his eye wide like it used to be before Weirdmageddon. He put his hands on her shoulders, causing Sapph to flinch and her cheeks to redden once more at the closeness.

"But you're still a demon, correct? And the princess, at that!"


"Great! That means you have an incredible energy level.. Way more than that of just a simple human..."

"What are you getting at?"

".. Let's make a deal!"

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ