Part 21: The End 1/2

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Sapph nodded, standing up. She wiped her eye. She had to be strong. For Bill, for Juliet. For herself. This was her only chance at proving to herself and everyone else that she was capable of standing up and fighting if she needed to.

This would be her time to stop this once and for all.

Esperanza only watched her silently as she wiped the rest of Bill's blood onto her shirt, ".. You're going to fight me, huh?"

"I am. I'm not scared of you anymore."

"That's a lie. I can practically smell you pissing yourself right now."

Sapph's cheeks burned, but she couldn't let her words get to her, "I-I'm going to fight you. And I'm going to win. And I'm going to get married and you won't be a part of my life anymore."

"That confidence doesn't suit you as well as your timidness. But go ahead, give me your best shot. I'll let you throw the first punch, even!" The other laughed.

"Why are you so set on trying to ruin my life? Why? I never did anything to you!"

"Liar!" Esperanza hissed. "You know what you did! Stop pretending that you were always innocent! That you were some special little thing that never did anything to anyone!" There was a small crack in her voice.

Much to Sapph's surprise, Esperanza's anger turned more to sadness as she gripped her arms.

"You.. you never showed up to our wedding! You left me at the alter! After everything I did for you, you left me!"

Now she remembered. Sapph frowned. She never had any interest in getting married to Esperanza. She got scared, and ran away from their wedding day.

"I.. I didn't want to get married to you. You know I didn't return your feelings. I-I just wanted to be your friend..."

"I know, and that's what made me upset! You never loved me!" Esperanza's anger was returning, but it was now accompanied by tears.

"Esperanza.. you can't blame me for not returning your feelings.. our marriage was arranged, and I n-never even had a say in it! If I did, I would have married someone else!"

"You hid your feelings from me! You always told me you loved me too and you never did! You lied to me and that's what hurt the most!"

"Because I was scared! I didn't want to hurt you!"

"What hurt me more was you lying!"

Sapphire averted her gaze to the ground, sniffling, "I.. I'm sorry..."

"It's too late for sorry." Esperanza shook her head. "You already fucked up and you can't fix it. Now that I killed Bill too, you have no choice but to marry me."

Sapph paused, "Wait.. 'too'?"

Esperanza grinned, "You know who I'm talking about. The one whom you never saw again. He stopped showing up. Your little amare."

"My little amare... Elliot."

"That's right. You really think that someone like him, that was so in love with you, would just up and leave you without a goodbye? Of course not. I made him leave. With a little," Esperanza made a jabbing motion towards her chest, "help from me."

Sapphire could only stare at her. The first person she ever truly loved was taken away from her by the person that she didn't. By someone too selfish to let her love who she wanted. Someone who couldn't stand the thought of her loving anyone but them.

She clenched her fists. Her heart was audibly racing. Her eye was glowing a cold blue. Her outfit began to change to a long, velvet black dress, and her wings, tail, and horns sprouted out. Her face was twisted up in pure rage, and her finger tips sparked blood red flames.

"You kill my first love.. you kill my current love.. you stalk me for hundreds of years, you set out to forcefully marry me, and you plan to murder me in the end.." She laughed. "It's funny, really. You think you can do all of that and get away with it. Think you can win."

She started to advance, and Esperanza took a step back, "I..."

"No. I don't wanna hear it. I get it, I fucked up in our relationship. I hurt you, and I take responsibility for that. But me not returning your feelings and lying thinking I was sparing your feelings.. Fuck, Esperanza. Do you honestly think that everything you did wasn't bad? None of what you did was even close to the appropriate way of handling things. I was going to feel bad about hurting you, but.. I don't think I feel it anymore. Everything you've done is about a million times worse than what I did. And there's no excuse for it."

"I-I'm.. I'm sorry--"

"Shut up and listen to me. You aren't sorry." Sapph laughed with a slightly crooked grin on her face. "And even if you are, you still fucking did it and you ruined my entire life up until this point."

She suddenly ran up to the other demon, grabbing her by the neck, and lifting both of them off the ground. "But now, I'm in charge. And you're going to listen to me, got it?"

"Yes, Y-Your Highness..." The other choked out.

"Look at her, you've got her shaking in her boots! She knows she can't beat you like this."

Sapph giggled. It wasn't everyday she went to the full extent of her powers.

"Now, Esperanza. I want you to answer some of my questions, fully and truthfully." Sapph switched to holding her by the horn, humming. "Got it?"


"Good. Now.. do you still love me?" She leaned in and smirked.

"O-Of course, Your Highness..."

"Are you going to try and fight me, thinking you'll win?"

"N-No, ma'am..."

"Are you going to continue to stalk me, planning to take over this world and kill me?"


"And lastly, are you going to let Bill possess your body so he can sign those documents?"

"W-Wait, what?"

"I know what I said. Now, are you?"

"U-Uh.. yes, ma'am..."

"Good." Sapph dropped the demoness, making her scramble up and bow to her with a blush.

"So we're clear, can you restate all that you're going to do for me?" Sapph crossed her arms as she landed back to the ground.

"I'm not going to fight you, I'm going to leave you a-alone forever, and I'm going to let Bill Cipher possess my body so he can sign the marriage documents..."

"Good girl."

"This is hilarious! Who knew that Espy had such a submissive side to her! I think she really favors your dominance."

Of course she does. Because I put her back in her place. She knows how wrong she is and it's just now hitting her.

"Alright, now I'm gonna knock you out, okay? And you're gonna make a deal with Bill to let him use your body to sign the documents."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Sapph took pleasure in delivering a swift punch to Esperanza's temple, knocking her out cold.

"That felt good."

"You got a nice arm there, sweetheart! Never knew you had it in you."

I can be strong, Bill. Under the right circumstances. Like convincing myself that you were actually dead besides just your body. Now go.

"Sure thing, babe."

And make it quick, I wanna go home.

//Amare: love in Latin

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now