Part 1

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"I really don't wanna do this."

"You'll be fine! Seriously, Sapph. This isn't the first time you've done public speaking. Besides, you're only introducing yourself!"

Sapph grumbled, cheeks reddened from the embarrassment of her sister Juliet. Even though she had talked in front of more people than this before, she still couldn't help but get nervous. Especially when everyone's eyes were on you.

The purple-haired twins were standing at the front of a crowd that had gathered around them. Normally, this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the fact that everyone was outside enjoying the sunny day that the world had brought them. The townsfolk had seen the newcomers pull up in their car, and decided to see who exactly it was. They were a bit disappointed when they saw it wasn't Dipper and Mabel Pines visiting for their summer vacation, but we're still happy to see yet another pair of twins enter their city.

"H-Hello! Uh.. My name is Sapphire. Sapphire uh..." Sapphire looked to her sister, who gave her a dismissive hand gesture. "Sapphire Niles. I'm o-obviously new here, so, heh, it's nice to meet everybody..! That over there is my little twin sister Juliet, and she's moving here too."

The crowd gave a welcoming applaud before splitting off to return to their business, occasionally giving the girls a welcome or giving them small talk. Eventually, the two got back to their car and headed to the house they were now sharing.

Juliet peered at Sapph from her good eye that was chocolatey brown, smiling, "You did good out there."

"Yeah yeah." Sapph chuckled. "You could have added a comment or two."

"Too lazy, sorry."

Sapph huffed and kept her gaze on the road. How the girl seemed to see through her bangs, no one knew.

Sapphire was dressed in a red velvet dress, a square neckline and clamped up in the front, the loose sleeves reaching to her forearm. There was a sheer black layer underneath the sleeves and skirt that peeked out only slightly. It was accompanied by black thigh high socks and black sneaker wedges. Her dark purple hair covered the half of her face that would be her eyes and nose, leaving only her plump, matte red lips to show. It was longer in the front, about to the collar bone, while boy short in the back.

This contrasted from her sister who wore more blander and pastel colors. At the moment, she wore a simple pastel pink tank top and grey skirt, with converse. The purple that her hair once was was starting to fade to almost white, and her brown roots were growing in. She kept her left eye covered by a white cloth; she was blind in it and didn't like the attention it drew.

The sisters finally made it to their house. It was average sized, made entirely from wood and had a very welcoming and friendly cabin look to it. There was a large porch in the front and back, along with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, and all of the sort. They hurried inside to start their unpacking.

"Wow, this place looks great!" Juliet grinned, nudging her sister. "You picked a good one!"

"Y-Yeah, I tried. I knew you wanted something roomy, yet not too big. So a three bedroom house would be good."

"It's perfect."

The younger sibling flopped onto the couch, and before Sapphire could retort and argue for her to do her share of unpacking, it was apparent that Juliet was now asleep.

Sapph huffed grumpily, carrying her twin's boxes to the other bedroom. If she was going to skip out on helping her, she would be stuck with the smaller guest bedroom while Sapph got the master.

"It's not fair that I have to do everything around here. Well-- I take that back. At least she has a job..." She mumbled, setting the boxes down.

Other than now feeling guilty for not having a job, the purplette was glad that she had the movers move her bigger items in beforehand. The only thing she had to do now was put her clothes up, and other trinkets and daily necessities.

She moved her hair, letting out a long sigh as she peered around with the giant blue eye placed on her face. It took up the room of two eyeballs, and her nose.

Yes, Sapphire only had one eye. That may have been a big hint as to why she always kept it covered up with her bangs. Amongst other creepy things, this particular girl was a demon. More specifically, a succubus.

Long ago, a succubus and a human man met and fell in love. The succubus had gotten pregnant with the human's child. When Satan himself found out about this, it caused him an outrage. The only other demon he ever loved wanted to be with a puny little human. So he killed the man, and stole the succubus away after removing her fertilized eggs and keeping them in an incubator. After only a couple months of incubating, the twins Sapphire and Juliet were born. Sapphire had inherited more of the demon genes, while Juliet had inherited the human ones. This was a problem for the hellish community, and they gave Juliet away to a human orphanage to be raised properly, while Sapph was able to stay and be trained to do what she was supposed to do. About one-thousand five-hundred years later, Sapph had found her sister by accident. How Juliet lived this long despite being more human was a mystery. But they were happy to have found each other again.


It had taken hours, but Sapphire had finally packed away all of the items from their trip. All of Juliet's things, and her own. She was absolutely exhausted. But she was tired. You know?

She now wanted to join Julie in her slumber, just to wipe off the effects of today's stress and work. But there was more to be done. Sure, some of it could wait until the the morning, but Sapph wanted to get at least one more thing done. She wanted to do a bit more research on this town.

She admitted that she didn't do much background checking on this place, but it seemed perfect nonetheless. The people of the town seemed awfully cheerful and friendly, and open to newcomers. The setting was just the perfect amount of outdoors and indoors. Best of all, it was a safe place where the two twins wouldn't have to worry about being chased down for being demons. At least, that's what she hoped. There was talk that this place had rather strange occurrences quite frequently. Strange, mysterious beings as well. Just like her. But word also went around that they didn't welcome demons as much. She had searched and searched for the history of Gravity Falls from years ago. She had only heard rumors, but none were ever explained, because of the act passed here that stated to never talk about it. Until finally, she had found an article page written by an anonymous user about all the events of the event that the town said they would never speak of.


(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainWhere stories live. Discover now