Part 19

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Bill wasted no time to hop up, grabbing onto Sapphire and dragging her to the open portal. Sapph took one look back at Juliet and Esperanza. She knew Julie could take care of herself, but it still worried her.

"Sapph! Come on!"


With that, Bill had dragged her through the portal, having Sapph close it behind her and the last thing seen being the flurries and spiky sickles of ice as her sister fought.

The blonde turned and stared at his surroundings. This was definitely a strange place, but he remembered being here before a couple million years ago. It was nice to visit the Underworld again, only not under these circumstances. But he couldn't waste any more time sight-seeing; he had to get Sapph to the council to sign the Royal Document Papers, "Alright, Sapph! You have to show me where to go! You know this place better than I do."

The demoness nodded, gripping Bill's hand before taking off at an incredible speed through the flames and smoke of hell.


"Just leave us alone! She doesn't love you anymore!" Juliet was forming her own shield of ice in front of her that Esperanza was only fighting back with fire- literally.

The words of the younger twin made her laugh as she melted a hole through the shield, reaching through to grab Julie by her neck and smash the ice in the process.

"I couldn't give two shits if she loved me! I just need her for this one thing and she can die! All of you!" Esperanza threw Julie's body at the stair case, making her choke up and cry out when the wind was knocked out of her.

The demoness was panting and watched the ice twin try to regain her composure, "Just stay out of the way and you won't get hurt any further. I don't need to waste my time killing you when I need to stop Sapphire from getting the Royal Document Papers." She turned on her heel to leave through the still-open portal when Juliet used the last of her strength to tackle Esperanza to the ground.

"I said.. L-Leave her alone.. She never did anything to y-you.. Everyone hates you..! I don't know w-what.. it is you want, but you c-can't.. win. She's stronger!" Juliet had her fingers clamped around the other's threat, fingernails digging into the skin while everywhere their skin touched was freezing over.

Esperanza only stared up at Juliet before her eyes squinted and she smiled a chilling smile, "You really do believe that your sister is this perfect, innocent little thing? You really don't know her at all."

Before Julie knew it, there was a sharp pain in her head and she was seeing nothing but black.


"C-Can you go any faster, Sapph? My senses are telling me that their fight isn't gonna last much longer!" Bill called as he was being dragged by the older twin.

Sapphire was focusing on her destination as she ran, and in her mind, she could see Esperanza had just won the fight, and she was coming.

Soon, up ahead, was a view of giant, heavy wooden doors, about a story high, to be exact, and in front was an elongated deal with a few people seated at it. The other people seemed like normal succubi and incubi, only with a bit more class. But the one in the middle was only a foot tall, and wore a more carefree outfit than the others. She was filing papers when she looked up.



Sapph stopped in front of the desk, letting Bill go and breathing heavily. Rubi flew up to her face and put her hands on her hips.

"What's wrong? You don't have another checkup until next wee--"

"It's Esperanza."

That made the fairy demoness go quiet before she whispered, "I thought we weren't supposed to say the E word!"

"Rubi, please. We don't have much time. I need the Royal Document papers. I have to get married to him!" Sapph pointed to Bill, who simply waved a bit awkwardly.

Rubi raised an eyebrow and cooed, "You're getting married? Oh, how exciting! When's the official wedding?"

"Rubi, please! Please hurry and get the documents!" With the appearance of tears in Sapphire's eye, Rubi now knew this was serious.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I'll get them. Why are you getting married at such a.. stressful time?"

"If she doesn't get married to me, then Esperanza will take her away and she's going to forcefully marry her and Sapph will end up dead! We need the papers!" Bill spoke up, holding Sapph's hand and squeezing it to comfort. "And I don't have enough power to fight her anymore and I don't know if Sapph can do it by herself. This is our only option."

Rubi was listening intently. She always hated Esperanza. Ever since they were all children. Rubi, despite her orange-dyed hair and brown contacts, was born a blue class demon. So she knew Esperanza personally, even before Sapphire was placed under her care and supervision by her stepfather. She always wanted to help, but you would have to have a death wish to interfere with the engagement between Sapphire and Esperanza that Lucifer prepared himself.

But now, no one had to watch Sapphire suffer anymore.

Rubi nodded, "A-Alright, I'll go get them right now!" And with that, she zipped off into a nearby room that was seen filled with cabinets.

Sapph let out a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived when the sound of flapping wings behind them landed with a heavy thud.

It was the evil demoness herself, holding the unconscious body of Juliet. She tossed her over to the ground and cracked her knuckles, "She was just too easy. Ice verses fire? Really?"

Sapphire put a hand over her mouth and whimpered. Bill stepped in front of her protectively and hissed, "Don't you touch her!"

"Oh, but listen.. I've had a change of heart. I don't wanna fight her. I wanna fight you, Bill Cipher."

(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sapphire: Back AgainKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat