Chapter 16:

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We sat down at the table as my mom brought out the spaghettii and tuna. we sat at a round table so we were all facing eachother. 

"Mrs grande this is so nice" Justin said and then put his hand on my leg. 

I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back. 

"Thanks Justin but please call me Joan" mom said chuckling. 

They were getting on so well i loved it. But still my mom hasn't asked if we are dating, i don't think she wanted it to be awkward but my mom was so cute, she didn't want to but into anyones bussiness but i was just going to tell her. 

"So mom if you didn't know me and Justin are dating...and we have been for the past few weeks and well..he knows about the pregnancy" I blurted about. 

Justin swollowed his last peice of pasta and a smile crept on my moms face. 

"It's just good to know your settling in, and i hope Justin has been helping you do that"  My mom said looking at Justin. 

Justin grabbed my hand on the table. 

"Yeah, i have Mrs- urm Joan" Justin said then smiling. 

I could tell he was confortable around my mom already. she was pretty easy to get a long with. 

"So Justin tell me about yourself?" My mom asked. 

"Well, i live with my mom pattie, just down the road actually, 2 doors away. I have a half brother Jaxon and a half sister Jasmyn and they are both so young but i don't see them that often. But im sure Ri talked about me all the time" Justin joked. 

"I don't actually, because i didn't tell mom remember" I said to Justin. 

He nodded and we looked at mom and she was just laughing. 

"Aww, so when do you see your brothers and sisters" Mom asked. 

"Urm, well actually they are coming down for christmas this year and i was wondering if your family wanted to join us Ri, i know its like 2 months away but we thought about it soo" Justin said. 

I smiled and looked at him. 

"really, you actually want our family to be together for Christmas, Jay that is so cute" I said and then kissed him lightly. 

"oh Justin that is so nice of you, i must invite you all round here soon..but its just hard when Ariana is pregnant to get everyone together" My mom said looking at me. 

I looked down not saying anything. 

"Its just amazing to have someone like Ariana in my life" Justin said and then looked at me again.

I laughed and blushed and my mom smiled.

"Well, thank you so much for my dinner Joan, but i should go i hope to see you around christmas then?" Justin asked.  

My mom nodded and stood up as did all of us. 

"Yes Justin, it was nice meeting you" My mom said and give Justin a hug and then me and Justin walked to the front door. 

I walked to the front door with Justin he had a smile on his face. He seemed happy. 

"Seee, i told you it would be fine"  I said giving him a playful punch on his baggy jumper.

Justin smirked "Yeah whatever" He said chuckling. 

"Kiss" i asked before he opened the door. 

"Ew noooo" he said laughing. 

I crossed my arms "Fine, byeeee" i shouted. 

He quickly wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. 

"I'm sorry.." he said and then kissed my lips slowly. 

I smiled through the kiss and then he pulled away. 

"Bye Jay, i love you" I said.

"I love you.." Justin said before closing the door. 

Today was a success and i was so happy, i could tell my mom liked Justin a lot. My life was just perfect at the moment if im honest. 

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