"Knock knock." I turned around to see Jinhwan leaning against my door, smirking.

I forgot to close the door.

I felt a sudden rush of heat and blush begin to paint my cheeks, defying gravity as I tried to find my words. "U-uh... Wkjdneopfj;lsq. Pretend you didn't hear anything, please."

He moved his head to the side and gave me an innocent puppy look. "Hear what?"

"N-nothing!" I turned my gaze away from him, settling for the mess of pictures in front of me on the floor.

"Are you okay with Jin and stuff? I mean..." Jinhwan slowly approached me while scratching the back of his neck, looking a bit insecure and squishy. "Do you still like him?"

My heart fluttered at the unexpected jealousy tainting his voice. I flashed him a sweet smile. This guy is seriously melting my heart too fast. "Um... it's been hard, but I think I'm moving on finally." Thanks to you.

He gave me a relieved, sheepish smile before gesturing at the pictures of Jin and I on the floor. "Walking down memory lane? I don't think that's good for-"

My hearty laugh cut him off, and he just stared at me in confusion and disbelief. "I'm not reminiscing about our relationship, Jinhwan! I was planning to..." My voice trailed off, unsure if I was ready to pull through with this plan I had set. Deciding it was for the best, I sighed, "burn them."

Jinhwan's eyebrow cocked up at me in surprise. "Can I help you?"

I laughed and playfully hit his chest. "You can help me by going to the market around the corner and getting me a few fire stuff."

He began to pout and whine, being the cute little cinnamon roll he is. "I can't burn anythingggg~? Pwease~"

How can I let a 12 year old play with fire?! But he seemed responsible enough... for now. "Okay okay! Just go before it gets dark," I laughed and pushed him out of my room.

I listened for the door to click close before I began to shuffle through the pictures, looking at them one last time, getting lost in my memories that surrounded me constantly.

"Y/N! You're doing it wrong," Jin laughed as I struggled to hold onto my fire cracker.

"I don't know what I'm doing!" My screams were the only sounds in the neighborhood, occasionally mixing in with Jin's laugh.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me to steady my arms and the blazing fire cracker before me. "Here." I looked up to see Jin's smiling face and flushed cheeks.

I giggled a bit at his flushed cheeks, feeling content in his embrace. "Thank you," I whispered, making it barely audible.

He rested his chin on my head and sighed. "Mhm." We melted into each other's warmth and silence for what seemed like forever, and then the fire cracker finally burned out, leaving us in darkness.


"Yes, Y/N." He pinched my cheeks lightly before patting my head gently.

"I love lighting fire crackers with you every night."

He laughed and ruffled my hair, undoing my curls. "I do too, silly." He peered into my eyes, searching and scanning them in the darkness. His eyes glanced down at my lips, and even in the shadows I saw him blush again.

He closed his eyes and leaned in slowly, giving me a quick peck on my lips.

My first kiss.

I widened my eyes at him, and he immediately looked at me with guilty eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Oh my God I-"

I kissed him again, cutting off his words. We pulled away, and he smiled at me sheepishly. "It's okay," I replied.

I smiled bitterly at the picture of Jin and I holding our fire crackers that night. Even though my heart wrenched for our past, I felt myself detaching from all the pain and tears. It became a tradition to light them each night just because I always found myself really attracted to fire and light in general.

I quickly piled all the pictures together in a bag, done with the walk through memory lane. I smiled at my own independence and strength, proud that I was able to even find the courage to burn such beautiful times.

"It's time, Y/N." I reassured myself once more before tying off the bag and running downstairs to the living room to wait for Jinhwan.

As if he knew, the door suddenly opened, and Jinhwan was standing there with a bag in one hand and a photo album in the other.

I gestured at the photo album. "What's that for?"

"The start of our memories, Y/N!" He cheekily smiled at me and handed me the bag.

I peered inside, scanning the contents. He bough a few matched and lighters, probably unsure of which I preferred to use. My heart caught in my throat as I realized he also bought fire crackers.

"You bought fire crackers?" I blinked away the tears, unsure if I wanted to light one again.

"Yeah. You said you like to light them, right? I know you used to light them with Jin, but I want to make the memory a pleasant one for you. With me." He blushed a little and avoided my gaze.

I smiled in spite of my heart and sighed, "sure, why not?"

His expression immediately brightened, and he impulsively wrapped me in a hug. It was my turn to blush as I felt my cheek brush against his.

He pulled away to look at my face. His cute smile slowly shifted into one of mischief. "Let's go burn some trash!" He cheered, throwing both of his arms up into the air and sprinted outside to the backyard first, leaving me to carry the bags by myself.

Thanks, Jinhwan. I mean that sarcastically and genuinely.

[A/N: I'm having a hard time filling up the chapters in this story because I can't come up with a clear conflict or plot, but I have one now! I'm not sure if I want to use it, so if anyone has any ideas let me know T~T Sorry this is uneventful or boring to you! I'm trying my best I promise! :3]

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