“I‭’‬m standing directly in front of you now.‭”‬ Summer said with a smile.

Izzy tried her best to figure out what area Summer might be in, she failed miserably. I laughed as I watched Izzy look around the room in wonder. “You know, Summer, I don’t know why you are even haunting my house in the first place. I mean you’re a sweet little girl. Why are you stuck here on earth?” I asked her. 

“Well, it happened in the mid-1800‘s I suppose. I had gotten really sick, so my mother admitted me to this hospital... or I guess what was a hospital back then.” 

I cut her off. “Wait, so this house that I’m living in now used to be a hospital where people died?” I was shocked. 

“Yeah.” She shook her head. “Not very many people died though, if I remember correctly, I think it was about 15 children. It was mainly a children’s hospital... Anyways, I was there for about 3 days before my sickness killed me. I don’t remember what I had, but it was a major disease that was sweeping over everywhere. I died so suddenly and I never got to say goodbye to my mom... I think that’s why I haven’t moved on yet, or why I’m still stuck here.” She finished quietly, it must’ve been hard to talk about something like that. 

“I’m so sorry, Summer. You didn’t have to tell me all of that, I’m sure it’s hard for you to talk about.” I gave her a small smile.  

“It actually felt good, thank you. You’re the first person who was able to see me and communicate, I’m really glad that I got to share my story with you.” She smiled at me. 

“How about this, lets get to bed and then tomorrow Izzy and I will go to the library and see what we can get on the children’s hospital. But Summer, you understand that the mid-1800‘s was over 100 years ago, right? So with that being said, your mother has probably passed away. You understand that, right?” I questioned her. 

“Yeah, I kind of figured, but I think that if I like saw her grave or some sort of record of her death then I would be able to get some peace out of it. There’s just this small part of me that hopes that she will come visit me.” She sighed. 

“How about this, lets get some rest tonight, and then I’ll head to the library to see if I can find anything about this children’s hospital, or anything about the deaths of these children. And if you could remember your moms name then I might be able to see if I can find a grave site or death certificate for her. Maybe then you’ll be able to move on and not be stuck here. Not that I don’t love having you around, it’s just that you’ve been stuck here for so long that it’s time you moved on.” I rambled. 

“You would really do that for me?” She questioned. 

“Of course! You’re a sweet girl, and you deserve to be at peace.” I smiled at her. 

“Thank you! Thank you so much! I’m trying to remember my mom’s name, I know that it started with a T... Tammy? No... Taylor? No... Tracy? Yeah! Her name was Tracy. I remember now. Tracy Bauer. That’s our last name.” She gave me a huge smile. 

“Hey Ama, if you don’t mind, could I help you tomorrow?” Izzy asked.

“Of course! The more help the faster we could look through everything tomorrow.” I said. 

“Yay! I’m excited!” Izzy started squealing. 

“Before y’all get your panties in a twist, we better get to bed so we can get up and go tomorrow. I want to be able to get to the library early, you never know how long it could take to find the information we’re looking for.” I said. 

“Yeah, you’re right. Good night, Summer!” Izzy called out, even though Summer was standing next to her. I laughed, so did Summer. 

“Good night Izzy.” Summer said. Izzy didn’t hear her though, Summer was losing her energy so people couldn’t hear he anymore.

“Summer said good night, Izzy. Good night, Summer.” I smiled at her. 

“Nighty night, sleep good!” She said and vanished in thin air. 

“Is she gone? It just got really cold.” Izzy shivered. 

“No, she’s never gone. She’s just not here at the moment.” I laughed. Izzy smiled at me and we headed to bed. Izzy took my spare bedroom and I walked into my room. I plopped down on my bed and sleep soon took over me quickly. I closed my eyes and was out like a light bulb. I slept peacefully that night. 


Another chapter! Lemme know what you think? I know it's hard cause it's only the second chapter. But if you have any ideas of where the story should go, I'm willing to hear them! Post them in the comments or message me! Your feedback really means a lot. I'm sorry that this chapter is really short, I didn't want to give away what happens next chapter, so I just kind of did this x) Anywhore, Love you guys!(:

Dark Love (Zak Bagans Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon