Its time

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-one month later-
"You ready for this Damon?" I asked him as Caroline was waiting outside for me.
"Elena....I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I love you." He said to me and put our foreheads together.
"I love you too." I smiled and kissed me.
"Now go get some sleep at Carolines house and I'll see you tomorrow at the church." He smiled.
"Bye." I waved to him and went into Carolines car.

"Alright girl your going to get a good nights sleep and when you wake up I'll have the makeup artist and your dress ready." She smiled.
"You've got this all panned out don't you." I laughed.
"Bonnie was going to plan everything but party planner is basically my middle name."

"Guys.....thank you so much for being here for me....for supporting For helping me when I needed it and for guiding me through all the right paths." I smiled at Bonnie and Caroline.
"Katherine Rebekah and Jo are meeting us at the church they have the dresses and shoes and everything so you don't need to worry about anything 'Lena." Bonnie said hugging me in my dress.
"You look absolutely gorgeous.....Damon got lucky, the second time at least." Katherine said walking into the room.

"I thought you were

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"I thought you were....actually never mind. Thank you." I smiled at her.
"Okay well you should make your way to the church now." Caroline smiled.
"Wait! I need to do something first. Even if it means postponing the wedding a half an hour more, which really shouldn't mater because there's only gonna be Me, you (Caroline), Bonnie, Katherine, Rebekah, Jo, Damon, Stefan, Jeremy, Matt, Tyler, Alaric and Klaus."
"I guess back soon." She smiled.


I texted Alaric to come outside of the Salvatore house so that I could talk to him alone.


" look....stunning." He said walking outside the house starring at me in my dress that was half covered by my long jacket.
"You don't look so bad yourself Saltzmen." I laughed.
"Okay so I need to ask you something." I said nervously.
"Yeah sure...what is it?"
"Well.....can you give me away?" I said with tears in my eyes.

(FYI that means to walk her down the aisle)

"Me?" He said in shock smiling.
"Yeah." Tears fell down my cheek.
"Elena.....I'd love too." He said and hugged me tight.
"For almost 6 years now you've been like a dad to've watched over me and Jeremy and made sure we were always safe and I could never ever repay you for that but you doing this would mean the world to me Rick."
"Of course I I think you have a wedding to attend." He smiled.
"I need to make one more stop and I'll be there I swear. Tell everyone to wait another half an hour please."
"Yeah safe bye!"


I walked through the grave yard until I was at my mom and dads graves. I automatically started crying.
"'s a big day for me and I couldn't be happier. I'm marrying the love of my life. I wish you guys were here to see me like this and to see Damon. Well I shouldn't stay long because then I'll end up looking like a wreak. I love you." I said wiping away my tears and went back in the car.

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