Memory lane

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Elenas phone buzzes as she reaches over to grab her phone on the night table beside her. Bonnie's calling and she wants Elena, Damon and Stefan to come to Whitmore as soon as possible. "Who is looking for trouble?" Damon asks turning around. "Bonnie wants us and Stefan to go to Whitmore, maybe she wants Stefan to know about Katherine." Elena says making her way out of bed. "Great." Damon says stuffing his face in the pillow. "Will this wake you up?" Elena walks over to Damon and kisses him. After there make out session Damon gets up and changes. He walks to Stefans room and knocks on his door but doesn't wait for an answer. He finds Stefan dead asleep. Damon throws Stefan some clean clothes which would be the first clean pair of clothes he's had since the breakup. "UP!" Stefan jumps out of bed. "Okayyyyy, okay. I'm up!" Stefan says annoyed. "Put these clothes on please. And meet me and Elena downstairs in 10 we need to go to Whitmore. Stefan rolls his eyes and shuts the door as she changes. Elena dries her mouth as she just finished brushing her teeth "Damon, you ready?" She says from his bathroom. "I am, but I'm going downstairs, Stefan is getting ready." Elena slips on her high heel booties and grabs her jacket. She walks by Damon and kisses his cheek making her way to the door. Stefan walks down the stairs "I'm ready, lets get out of this house I've been in here for 3 days I need air." They all hop in the car.
"I called Elena and she's coming to see us with Damon and Stefan." Bonnie says looking through her wardrobe. "Alright, fine by-" Katherine sees what top Bonnie picks out "please no." She throws the purple button up that Bonnie was going to wear with her black jeans. "God Katherine, I'm keeping you alive, isn't that good enough. But ohhh my outfit choices are so important." Bonnie says picking up the top and Katherine sits down on Elenas bed. They hear knocks on the door and Bonnie opens the door. "Hey Elena.....Damon. Where's..." Bonnie gets cut off "Stefan...." Katherine says seeing Stefan walking behind Elena and Damon. Stefan freezes in his tracks, speechless. He remembers all of his memories with Katherine like it was just yesterday. She runs up to him and hugs him. "Not what I was expecting but alright." Damon says walking into the dorm with Elena leaving Katherine and Stefan in the hall. "How are you am I seeing you ?" Stefan asks very confused and backs up. "Long story, I'll explain at dinner." Katherine says happily. "Katherine I'm not doing this now." "Okay fine....tomorrow." She adds in. Stefan rolls his eyes and goes inside the dorm. "Katherine can I talk to you?" Elena pulls Katherine outside. "How the hell do you have the cure? And why is it here?" "Let's knock some sense into ourselves, I was in a supernatural hell which was world like so being smart I went back  to get the cure. Without knowing that I would ever be able to come back I imagined a life with Stefan and how happy we would be together." Elena takes that all in and pauses "Wow Katherine Pierce, willing to go human for the second time with her supposed love of her life. Sounds legit."
"So basically I just wanted to say that it is impossible to bring her back to her hell, so when she dies....she's really gonna be gone." Bonnie says. "Perfect!" Damon replies. "Okay well me and Elena should get going now, Stefan you do whatever you would normally do with Katherine when she was alive, and Bonnie....well, keep trying to kill her." Damon puts his arm around Elena and they leave.

"Why did we leave so early?" Elena asks Damon as they get into the car. "Well, were going out." "Where." "Can you please just enjoy that fact that I planned something for us instead of staying in that stuffy dorm room." Elena laughs at his response. After a long day of being out and about, Damon brings Elena to the road that they first met on. They lay on the ground at watch the stars holding hands. Damon watches her instead "Wow the view is so beautiful." Elena says. "Mine is even better." She turns her head to see that he was watching her. She tilts her head in closer and kisses him. They stand up  and Damon puts his hand out, "Dance with me." "Damon we're in the middle off the road." He still insists by holding his hand out farther. She smiles and takes it. He spins her out and as she's coming back into his arms he kisses her. There was practically fireworks going off in Elenas head showing how perfect this moment was. There heads come close together nose to nose "I love you." Elena says. He looks at her feeling the most confident he's ever felt with her. "Your the best thing that has ever happened to me in all my years of living. You make me a better man. You've hated me, felt guilty for loving me, was sired to me....the un sired to me" Elena laughs. "I'm not done, fell in love with me, lost your memories of me, then fell in love with me all over again, and then got all of our memories that, that's what I call love. (Damon smiles looking at her and steps in closer) I went through time and space to be with you" He smiles, holds her face and continues "Living without you would be the hardest thing I would have to do in my life, although we live an eternal life I would give anything to get the shot to have a perfect eternal life with you." Joy fills both of there eyes. He lets go of her face and reaches in his pocket. Damon gets down on one knee "Marry me?" Elenas eyes fill with tears leaving her speechless. She kisses him holding it for a couple seconds, breaks it, "YES" and kisses him over and over. She was his happiness. She laughs as he picks her up like a baby and spins her around. "Damon!" Elena says laughing her ass off and happily crying . *thunder* Pouring rain hits down on them as they are still kissing. She takes a second to look at her ring, it's beautiful. "I love you Damon, I love you, I love you." She kisses him over and over. They get into the car as Elena snaps a picture of Damon kissing her cheek and Elena showing off her ring. She sends it to Alaric, Stefan, Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler. Captioned 'engaged'.
*7 phones buzzing* Stefan and Bonnie pick up there phones at the same time, "OMG." Bonnie says and she runs to Stefan and hugs him. Stefan has tears in his eyes seeing his brother finally happy.
Alaric picks up his phone "Jo! Jo get down here! Damon and Elena are engaged "AHHHH." Jo says excited "you got the girl buddy." Alaric says to himself.
Caroline picks up her phone reaching over Klaus. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!!DAMON AND ELENA ARE ENGAGED!!" Caroline tells him. "What is she going to wear? What am I going to wear? Do you think she's gonna have a summer or fall wedding?" Klaus laughs happily.
Tyler, Jeremy and Matt where all together at Tyler's house. Jeremy takes a sip of his beer and opens the text "GUYS, ELENAS ENGAGED." Jeremy says over joyed with tears in his eyes thinking about his parents reaction wishing they were still here. "AYEEE." They all take a drink.
Damon kisses Elena again in the car, things pick up. Damon's phone buzzes. His shirtless body is on top of Elena as she kisses his neck he reaches into his pants "This better be good brother." Damon says. Stefan laughs "Hi Elena." Stefan says clearly hearing her with him. She jumps off of his body "OH! Um." Her lips still pressed against his neck. " hey Stefan." She continues "Congrats guys!."I'm so happy for you two." Bonnie yells in the back. "Hey Bon Bon." Damon says kissing Elena again. "House is occupied see you soon." Damon yells not letting them continue and then hangs up.
Damon drives home one hand on the wheel and the other gripping Elenas thigh. "How did you know I was the one." Elena asks him. "Would you like me to give you a list or does this answer you question?" He kisses her and makes his way down to her neck. "Wait until we get home." She says sadly. Damon moves his face away from her and gives a sad puppy dog face. They walk into the house locking the door behind them as she hangs up her jacket she turns her head away from him and Damon walks us to her and moves it facing him. He instantly kisses her as she responds back. He speeds them up to his room quickly as he presses her body on the bed she rips his shirt off and he does the same. Before they knew it they were both in there underwear and Elena has her black lace outlined bra on. He left a trail of kisses down her body. She laughs holding his head and then bringing it back up to her face. She holds his face as they look at each other feeling the best that they have ever and knowing that this is only the beginning. "It's a good thing we have forever." Elena says and then he kisses her.

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