Our future

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"What's this?" I said smiling with my voice still cracking since I just woke up. Damon set up a side table beside our bed and placed pancakes with whipped cream fangs and strawberries with my coffee of course.
"Breakfast." He smirked. I pulled on his top and dragged him to me. I planted a kiss on him.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Any time." He winked at me.

"So what are the plans fo-" I said and Damon cut me off. "Shhhh..." He put his finger over his lips and pointed to everyone sleeping in the living room. Whether it was on the floor with blankets and pillows or the couch everyone was there. Even Stefan and Katherine, I don't know why he wasn't in his room but I'm happy that they were all there.
"Awwwww..." I gushed over seeing them all.
"Let's go outside while we wait for them to wake up." I said and grabbed his hand pulling him out of the house. We walked down the street hand in hand.
"Okay so I'm just gonna throw this out there." I said stopping and looking at Damon.
"Talk to me." He said smirking.
"I want the wedding to be soon....soon as in next month. Damon life's too damn short mortal or not." I said biting my lip un sure of his response.
"Next month.....uh...well I'm gonna have to check my schedule." He joked putting his hand on his hip. I giggled and hugged him as he spun me around.
"Next month it is....all you need to do is find your maid of honour and brides maids." He said.
"Done and....done." I said.
"Who will these lucky ladies be?"
"Well I want my maid of honour to be Bonnie, and my brides maids, Care, Jo, Rebekah and POSSIBLY! POSSIBLY!" I yell to prove my point. ".....Katherine." I shake my head.
"If you want Katherine......we can have Katherine......but either way she'll probably find a way in anyways." He said laughing and grabbed my hips pulling me in for a kiss. We weren't very far down the road when we heard clapping and obnoxious cheers. I broke the kiss and tuned around to see everyone standing at the door way watching us.
"DAMONS RIGHT! I'LL FIND A WAY IN!" Katherine yelled from the house.
Damon rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand walking back to the house.
"Do you guys always listen to private conversations?" I joked.
"Ummmmm...." They all said looking to each other.
"Yeah pretty much.." They laughed.
"Okay well I have some left over pancakes on the sto-" Damon said and stopped while he looked at the stove to find them all gone.
"Yeah we already covered that." Caroline giggled.
"Sure Klaus come in make yourself at home." Damon said sarcastically looking at the door.
"Klaus!" Caroline said and ran up to him kissing him.
"Stefan....we meet again. Damon, hello. Elena welcome back to the world of the living, Bonnie, Enzoooo??" Klaus greeted everyone. "Ah! Tyler, Bus boy, Jeremy...remember me buddy?" Klaus joked and they all rolled their eyes.
"Okay well......on another note, me and my girl decided that we want to get married next month." Damon said gripping my back.
Everyone was shocked.
"I know it's short notice but we don't want to waste any more time and life is too short to wait. And.....with Carolines party planning skills I think we can do it." I smiled looking at Caroline.
"That's true." She laughed.
"Well now that we are all here tell us who the braids maids and best man and all thoes special people are." Stefan said raising an eyebrow.
I looked at Damon and he nodded his head.
"Okay well......Bonnie...." I smiled and walked towards her putting my hand on her shoulder.
"Would you do me the honors of being my maid of honor?" I smiled.
"Yes! Yes of course!" She hugged me.
I walked towards Caroline smirking.
"Would you like to be......" She cut me off.
"But you don't even know what I was goi-"
"I DONT CARE IM JUST SO EXCITED." She said hugging me tight. I looked at Damon from over Carolines shoulder to see him laughing. I gave him the finger and giggled.
Katherine stood their looking at me and it was time that I sucked it up.
"Katherine......" I said walking up to her slowly. "Aside our hatred for each other, I'm your doppelgänger and if it wasn't for you....or any of the other 2 of our doppelgängers I wouldn't be alive. So....would you want to be one of my brides maids. You don't even have to come for me, you can come for Damon." I smirked.
"All very true....I guess I could part take in this I mean I would look gorgeous in the dress....and I've never seen Damon happier then he is with you so yes." She smiled and fixed her curly locks.
"Now....I need to somehow ask Jo when I see her, and Rebekah." I said and Klaus smiled.
"Hey buddy......yup......uh huh......okay well you and your wife need to get your asses here now.....yes it's important......okay yeah you can bring me a bottle of burbon.........oooo yeah yeah that brand good choice." I heard Damon have a conversation with Alaric on the phone. "Okay buddy.....bye." He finished his conversation.
"Okay none of you guys told him about Elena being back right?" Damon asked. They all shook there heads no.
"Okay well my turn I guess." Damon said walking towards Stefan.
"So brother....you wanna be my best man?" He asked raising his eyebrows smirking.
Stefan smiled. "You got it."
"Klaus.....Enzo......Jeremy......And Alaric isn't here but."He said stopping in the middle of the room." You guys want to be my groomsmen?" He asked smirked.
They all nodded and smiled.
"I'll be there." Jeremy smiled.
"Don't think I forgot about you princesses." Damon looked at Tyler and Matt. He pointed at Matt. "Okay flower girl." Then pointed at Tyler. "Ring boy." Damon joked.
"F off man." Matt laughed.

We were all still sitting around in the living room and talking when we heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Damon yelled.
Alaric and Jo walk in and smile scanning the room until they see me.
Alarics mouth drops open and Jo covers hers.
"Elena?" Alaric asked with tears in his eyes.
"It's me." I said. Alaric has been with me through all these years he's basically been my father. I love and respect him so much. I ran up to him and Jo and have them both a big hug.
"We've missed you around here....things were awfully dull." Alaric said smiling as a tear dropped down his cheek.
"Don't cry....please." I begged.
"I can't help it."

"So....what's it gonna be?" Me and Damon asked Jo and Alaric.
"Of course I'll be your groomsmen
They said at the same time smiling.
"I can't wait for this...thank you guys so much." I smiled as everyone left.


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