“Who is it?” Padfoot asked. I felt Moony’s gaze fall on me again and then it was off. Why does he keep looking to make sure I’m sleeping even though I’m obviously not?

“Well um- I like Snowy.” He said almost so quiet I couldn’t hear it but I heard it loud and clear. I heard Padfoot chuckle. Moony likes me? My breath caught in my throat and I tried to stay quiet but it was hard. I need to make noise its part of my nature. I made it look like I was having a bad dream and I whimpered and rolled around. I heard more footsteps and then someone lifted my head onto their lap. I still pretended like I was having a bad dream but calmed down a little bit. I heard more footsteps then someone else sat on the bed. I could tell that person was Padfoot so that means Moony is patting my head like a dog and humming. I think he has issues JUST LIKE ME! I fully calmed down that way they could finish they’re conversation. They both stood up but before I heard them walk away Moony bent down and kissed my cheek. I tried not to blush or smile but thank goodness it was dark. They walked back to they’re beds and continued their conversation.

“Well what you need to do is ask her to go on a date it’s that simple.” Padfoot said.

“Not really. Where am I supposed to take her?” Moony asked him. Padfoot thought for a minute then snapped his fingers.

“You can take her to that place-“I didn’t let him finish because I wanted it to be a SURPRISE! No I actually don’t like surprises but this is okay. I sat up in the bed gasping like I had just woken up from a horrible dream. I am going to milk this. A lot. They both stopped talking immediately and looked at me. I kept on a horrified face even though I really wanted to laugh. They both walked over to me and I started crying. I had to milk it; this is going to be fun. Moony and Padfoot both sat down next to me and rubbed my back and hugged me you know all that comforting stuff. I stopped crying after a minute but I was still acting strange. Moony looked worried like I had over heard him or something. It’s a good thing I didn’t. WHEW! I’m such a good liar. I let Moony pull me into a hug as I “cried”. Finally I actually fell asleep while he hugged me. The last thing I heard was Padfoot laughing at Moony.

NEXT MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m dramatic- Mandy

I woke up to the empty dorm room. THEY ALLWAYS LEAVE ME! I am officially mad at them. I changed and stomped down to the common room. They were all sitting there laughing because it was Saturday. I angrily stomped over to them. I pointed a finger at them making them all look scared and stop laughing.

“Why did you guys not wake me up?” I whined. They laughed. I crossed my arms over my chest.

“We didn’t wake you up because you had a bad dream last night.” Padfoot said hopefully. I didn’t budge. He needs a better reason than that.

“We didn’t wake you up because last time we did you yelled at us.” Prongs tried. It’s true last time I did yell. I should see a doctor about my moodiness.

“We didn’t wake you up because you looked peaceful.” Moony said. I agree I am peaceful. I smiled and hugged him.

“I am not mad at Moony but the rest of you better watch out because I am bored and you know what that means.” I said deviously. When ever I am bored I always do pranks. I slowly backed out of the room like a ninja while the boys had horrified looks on their faces and Moony laughed at them. I walked back upstairs but then I heard my name. I snuck to the top of the staircase and listened to their conversation. It only sounded like two people so I guess the OTHER two people left.

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