Chap 22

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Who's seen Geek Charming in Disney Channel? 


I DID!! I love it!! such a romantic comedy!!!

You should see it!

Well here goes Chapter 22


“Uh hey Michael.” Daniela said awkwardly. She did not expect him here unless…. CRAP! He was supposed to come back from vacation… TODAY! She thought, I totally forgot! With all the stuff ugh…

“Hey Dee.” He smiled. She remembered the first time he smiled at her…

“So this is the new edition of the Mark X112, a limited edition actually.” Daniela wasn’t really paying much attention to the guy, he was cute, but she was too busy looking at the other beautiful bikes. Danny Said he was going to the bathroom and told her to stay in the spot she was at. Her and Danny went to MotorBike Expo which was only one day. They each wanted motorcycles, but only Danny was old enough, Daniela had to wait 3 more years then she can get one, with  conditions from her parents: 1) Decent grades & 2) Good behavior. Which for number 2, it will be hard.

“Hey, you know you can go search for accessories.” a voice interrupted her thoughts.


“You can go search accessories in the Others section.” He said, now that Daniela was looking at him, he had messy brown hair, blue-grey eyes and a good built. A guy Daniela would date. 

“For what?” 

He looked confused, “For the bike.”

“Oh.. Oh! Sorry.”

“It’s okay. I guess you weren’t paying attention?” He raised an eyebrow. She flushed with embarressment.

“Y-yeah.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “And what’s it to you?”

“Nothing. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t lose a beautiful girl’s attention.” He flashed a smiled. Is he trying to flirt with me? He’s got it bad… She did overdress a little, a black tank top, black skinny jeans and black boots. She can even pass for 16.

“Well I know a lot who haven’t.” She looked around, most young girls like Daniela, sure didn’t not miss this guy. “Except for me.” She went closer to him, staring him down, or more up.

“Oh really?” Now it was him that crossed his arms over his chest.

“Yes, and what are you going to do about it?” she asked challengly. 

“How about I take you out?” he asked. He thought I was that easy? What a douche.

“How about I knock you out?” His eyes widened for a split second. He smirked. “You think I can’t?” He shrugged. Then in an instant, she held his shoulders and kicked him in the place where it hurt boys the hardest. He fell down in his knees and groaned. “You know this is one of those times where a person would ‘I told you so.’ Well this is one of those moments so…. I told you so. Ha!” 

Then Danny appeared next to Daniela. 

"What did I miss?" he asked her, then he looked at the guy Daniela kicked, he groaned. "Daniela. Please tell me you didn't do that."

"Sorry Danny-boy, but I did."

"Don't call me that and why did you do that?" He asked.

"Because he offended me." She said innocently.

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