Chapter 6 - Ignorance

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It seemed like an eternity waiting in line. Is it even moving? Samantha waited in the line for a few minutes, but to her it felt like hours. She looked at her phone, it read 8:15, fifteen more minutes ‘til school starts. Sam was thinking about her friends, what classes she’ll get, if the teachers will be mean or nice, or what group she’ll be in. There has been some rumors that the force has been reincarnated, but Sam didn’t believe them, they were rumors. 

Wait, what if she doesn’t get in the same group as her friends… oh no… No she can’t let that happen. How about Daniela-- wait where is Daniela? Oh no I ran off without her, what is she’s lost? No she can’t be, she can find her way around. She’ll be pissed that I we--


 Sam realized that is was her turn. Finally. But she needs to get her schedule and her sister’s.

Sam walked up to the lady who had warm brown eyes, “Hi,” Sam said.

 “Hello,” the lady said, “I.D number.”

“Um 46855 and 46854.”

“Two I.D. numbers?”

   “Oh no, it’s my sister’s.”

 “Where is your sister?”

“Um well, you see I kinda ran off without her,” she didn’t know what to do she checked her pocket for something, anything that can help her. She felt a card in her pocket. Daniela’s I.D. Card! “Here I have her I.D., see don’t we look alike?”

 “I suppose you do.”

“Samantha!” someone yelled her name, she turned and saw that it was Daniela, who was out of breath when she reached Sam.

“Daniela!” Boy was she glad to see her, “what happened to you?”

  “Huh? Nothing… why… in the world… did you run off like that?” she said between breaths.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry Dee.”

            Daniela regained her breath, “No it’s okay, at least I found you, I thought you were gonna be lost.”

 “Me lost? I thought you were gonna be lost.”

 “Puh-lees, me lost that’s crazy talk.” 

            “Found them!” the lady said holding their schedules, “here are your schedules, have a nice day. You’re really beautiful, both of you,” she smiled at them.

          “Thank you,” Daniela and Sam said, they smiled back.

“Finally!” someone from the line shouted.

“You better shut your mouth before I beat the shit out of you!” Daniela yelled back, the guy looked terrified, she chuckled.

“Dee, calm down, he’s not worth it.”


“Oooh let’s check if we have the classes!” Sam looked at their schedules,”Oh my gosh! We have the same classes!”

“Really?” Daniela’s rage went down and happiness took over, “I’m glad we are.”

“Me too, uh oh.”

“Uh oh what?”

“Um remember how over the summer I signed up for advanced classes this year? Math and science.”

“Yeah… go on.” Daniela was starting to worry.

“I accidently signed both of us for them, but since last year you said you loved science and math, I-I just thought it would help you get into college.”

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