Chap 20

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OMG already chapter 20!!!

Thanks again to people who read!!!! go tell your friends, other people in Wattpad!! Jk you don't have to, but really. XD

Chapter 20

Sam saw her sister’s eyes open.

Oh my god, she’s okay. Tears welled up. Thank you, she prayed silently.

“Daniela?” she heard James say beside her, he was in front of Daniela’s bed while both Jamie and Sam at either sides.

Daniela blinked a couple of times, and looked around her.

She turned to Sam. She rubbed her eyes.

“Why am I here?”

“Because of your injuries and being unconscious for a long time.”

“Long time?”

“Yeah you were in a coma for a week.” Dee’s eyes widened.

“What? You mean I was in here for one week?!

“Yup kiddo.” Jamie said.

Daniela glanced at Jamie, then back to Sam.

“Well we better warn everyone, come on Jamie, let’s go tell everyone. James, take good care of my sister, please.” Then both Jamie and her bolted out the door. She hoped that nothing bad would happen in there.

“Who do you think could have possibly done this Dr. Drew?” Danny asked.

“I… I don’t know.” Dre answered. They were in the Cafeteria of the hospitol Daniela was in, drinking coffe and eating doughnuts.

Danny sighed, “It’s okay, but when I find out who this mother--”

“Language Daniel.” Danny cringed at his name.

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