Chap 8

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What will i do now? 

Someone banged against the stall.

"Calm down dammit! i'm coming out," Daniela got out and saw a snobby red head, Mandy, and went past her and into the stall, "it's all yours!" Daniela called back. Man people these they can't even give people privacy.

She didn't want to face Sam and James, please don't let them be there, she prayed. She opened the door and went out only to slam into someone. Again.

"Why hello stranger," someone said in a bad southern accent, Daniela looked up, it was Jamie and Diego, her two best friends, "here," Diego left out his hand for her.

"Thanks, did you see Sam and...?" she didn't even want to say his name.

"Yup they just went to class," Jamie replied



"Oh nothing. i'll tell you later, kay?"

"you better," Jamie took out something from her backpack, it was a piece of paper, "Hey Dee, give your schedule, i need to check something real quick"

Daniela took out her's out of her back pocket, which was the only pockets she had in her stupid skirt, handed it to Jamie and she looked at Diego who was staring at her, "What?"

Diego snapped out of it, "Nothing," he scratched his head and said,"It's your outfit."

"Oh i just noticed too Diego," Jamie said, "Now that i see you now, well you look kinda..."

"Stupid?" Daniela suggested.

"No pretty, actually."


"Yeah, huh Diego?" Jamie glanced at Diego.

"Why am i always in these situations?" he complained.

"Because we need a guy's perspective, duh" Jamie waited.

"You do look pretty."

"Thanks, can we go now?"

"Sure, what's the hurry speedy gonzales?"

"Well my counselor told me if i get even one tardy today i get suspension, which to me, is stupid."

"That's not fair."

"Tell me about it, hey give me my schedule back."

"Oh yeah about that... We have the same classes!" Jamie was jumping up and down like a hyper 5 year old.

"Okay did you put more sugar in your cereal or...."

"Coffee, duh. Okay about our schedules...." she showed Daniela.

1. English 101 - Mr. Brown

2. Algebra 2 - Mrs. Capri

3. Chemistry - Mr. Kelper

4. Music 101 - Ms. Riggs

5. lunch - no teacher

6. Hero studies - Mr and Mrs. Armstrong

7. Physical Education - Mr. Barwin

"You know i'm a bit surprised that i have music, i tried to change it with my counselor, but they she me there weren't any available spots left for another extra course. whoopdy doo."

"How about Diego?"

"Oh forgot about him! where is he?"

"Right here." he was behind Daniela, which startled her, "sorry i went to the bathrrom, what's up."

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